
BB Gun Injury – Your Legal Rights for Compensation

BB guns shoot projectiles and are also known as airguns. A BB is a ball bearing made of hard plastic. First introduced in 1938, it has become a popular toy and is used both recreationally as well as by law enforcement and the military during training. A lot of people are lulled into a false sense of security where they think BB guns are safe and can do no harm just because they don’t come equipped with bullets. The truth, however, is that BB guns can cause serious injuries and even death in some cases depending on the proximity of the person shooting the BB gun as well as the part of the body that the BB hits.

Are you looking for a BB injury attorney? If you or a loved one has been hurt by the negligent or illegal handling of a BB gun by another individual, we can help. Call 1 (773) 825-3547 NOW to discover  your legal options for compensation. While BB guns are legal and can be handled by almost anyone who is legally allowed to do so, their negligent handling isn’t. call 1 (773) 825-3547 NOW to speak to a BB gun injury attorney to learn more about your legal options for compensation.

According to the law, any weapon which expels a projectile not exceeding 6mm caliber is termed as a BB device.  In Massachusetts, it is illegal to own a BB gun for individuals under the age of 18. California, on the other hand, has criminalized the transfer or sale of the BB variant, the airsoft gun.

Here are some of the individuals who are not allowed to own BB guns:

  • Fugitives from justice
  • Those hooked on or addicted to controlled substances
  • Individuals sentenced of any misdemeanor or domestic violence
  • Those diagnosed and hospitalized due to a mental health condition
  • Individuals considered as illegal aliens unlawfully residing in the US
  • Individuals who have relinquished their US citizenship
  • Those who were sentenced and imprisoned for a year due to an indictable crime

BB Gun Injury – Get Legal Help Today!

According tothe law, as long as BB or air guns meet a certain projectile or velocity, they are considered as firearms, meaning they are bound by strict gun laws. If you or a loved one was injured by a BB gun, you must prove that the perpetrator acted in an unreasonable and negligent manner, and then show the relationship between their actions and your injuries. You may be able to recover compensation to help take care of your treatment costs, lost wages, pain and suffering and so much more. Need more information? Please call our BB gun injury attorney TODAY at 1 (773) 825-3547 to learn more about your legal rights. Thanks, and we look forward to hearing from you.