Best Tips on How To Win Your Injury Claim

Everyone thinks that accidents and injuries, whether due to a freak occurrence or someone else’s negligence happen to someone else, not them. It therefore comes as a huge shock when we become unwitting victims and have to seek out the services of a personal injury attorney in Chicago. For a lot of people, this is their first encounter with the law, and civil law at that, making the whole experience not only stressful, but also rife with uncertainty.
Are you looking for the best injury attorneys in Chicago? Please call us NOW at (773) 906-4159 to learn more about what the law office of McCready Law can do for you. For over 25 years, we’ve helped people just like you get the justice and compensation they duly deserve. No case is too big or too small: if you were injured due to someone else’s negligence, we’re happy to help. To learn more about us and how we can help, please call us for your 100% FREE CONSULTATION with one of our friendly injury attorneys in Chicago today.
Evidence is Key – Document Everything
Majority of the time, cases are won by virtue of evidence. To this end, you want to start documenting everything and keeping information in a file from the day you suffer your injury, to the day you meet with the defendant’s attorneys to work out an agreement. Official documentation is proof that the accident did indeed happen, and it will play a huge role in the dollar value of your case. Take photographs of your injuries, keep prescription slips, doctor’s notes, as well as an objective diary detailing your injuries and how they have impacted your daily life.
See a Doctor After Suffering an Injury – Chicago Injury Lawyers
Next, you want to make sure that you do not wait to see a physician. This is important as it will show that you were not only injured, but it will detail the extent of the injuries, the doctor’s diagnosis, and how you will be affected and what you can and cannot do on a personal and professional level going forward. In fact, certain aspects of injury law, such as workers’ compensation, look at the part of the body that is injured, and assign it a set compensation as decreed by the OPM and workers’ compensation laws. Waiting to see a physician will also make it seem that your injuries were not substantial and that you are just trying to scam your way into a settlement or payout. See a doctor on the first day of your injury if you can, and have them examine you extensively.
Beware The Peons of The Insurance Companies
The third thing you want to do is be aware of the tricks that insurance companies set up in order to catch you doing something that may lower the value of your Illinois personal injury case, or invalidate it altogether. These companies are not in the business of paying out money, so they go to great lengths to avoid this, by, for instance, carrying and concealing tape recorders and prying information out of you using a proxy in order to use it against you. They also dig through your social media and even send out investigators to take photos of you when you least expect in order to catch you in the act of doing something someone with alleged injuries cannot do. Therefore, it is important to be diligent, and not divulge to anyone any information regarding your injuries before speaking with our best Chicago attorneys in order to maintain the integrity of your personal injury claim in Illinois.
Call Now for Free Advice!
Need more information on what to do to safeguard your compensation after getting injured in Illinois? Call us NOW at (773) 906-4159 to learn more about how we can help. Remember, the call ABSOLUTELY FREE, and there’s no obligation to have us take on your case. Thanks, and we look forward to hearing from you.