
Can Dashcam Footage Help Increase Your Compensation in Truck Accident Cases? – Find Out Here

Technology has become an indispensable part of our lives, and it has made things easy, safer and more convenient. This is something that is key when it comes to truck accidents due to the fact that it is now possible to use technology to infer fault should there be any ambiguity with regard to who was liable for the accident.

Road users who get involved in truck accidents will undoubtedly suffer serious and sometimes life-changing injuries due to the velocity, mass and forces associated with the impact of a truck-sedan accident, and more often than not, individuals in smaller vehicles may suffer spinal cord injury, multiple fractures, internal organ injuries, burn injuries, and even traumatic brain injury, all of which can have significant health implications in their lives going forward. 

Truck accident cases are complex and multifactorial, and numerous entities may share liability, which makes it possible for you as the victim to recover substantial compensation. Dashcams have become as common as phones these days, and individuals who want an extra set of eyes as well as transparency and accountability install one of these on the hoods of their vehicles.

In some instances, trucking companies make it mandatory to have one in operation at all times to foster a culture of responsible driving. Should an accident happen, the footage of the same may become admissible as evidence helping to either prove liability or fault, or deny it. If you were involved in a truck accident you believe was not your fault, it is vital that you liaise with an experienced truck accident law firm in order to know what the next steps you must take to secure your justice and compensation, and we’re here to help with that.

Get Justice and Compensation

Are you looking for the best truck accident attorney? Please call us NOW at 312-444-0214 to learn more about how we can help you recover compensation if you believe that the truck driver’s negligence is what led to your injuries. The experienced, countrywide auto injury lawyer at McCready Law have over 50 years of combined experience helping thousands of individuals from all walks of life harmed by the negligent actions of other people or corporations, and we’ve recovered hundreds of millions of dollars in the process.

What makes us unique is our vast trial experience, where we’ve combined our resources and expertise to take cases with merit to trial and won them. Most injury claims are settled out of court, as litigation is expensive and the burden of proof, higher. That said, most law firms engage in settlement negotiations at the expense of the client’s compensation, which is much higher and more meaningful if the case goes to trial.

On top of having a bilingual staff (hablamos Español), we also take on cases on contingency fee basis, which means that there are ZERO UPFRONT FEES as our fees are levied at the very end of the claims processing, and only if we’ve won your case for you. We take on cases countrywide, so call us NOW at 312-444-0214 regardless of where you are, and we’ll provide you with a 100% FREE initial consultation into your compensation options for truck accidents as a victim – our intake team is standing by. 

What Exactly are Dashcams and How are They Used?

The word Dashcam is actually a short form of dashboard camera, and these are video devices which are mounted on the vehicle’s dashboard or windshield. Their purpose is to capture uninterrupted footage of the road ahead, and the back, making it possible to chronicle events as well as driving conditions. Lately, modern vehicles have started being retrofitted with internal dashcams which record the driver’s actions as well.

Dashcam use has been on the rise in the country owing to their falling cost making them more affordable, the fact that many insurances have started incentivizing drivers who use them by offering discounts with regard to their premiums, as a deterrence of fraud as in the case of staged accidents, and to document everything should there be a legal dispute in the future. Lastly, dashcams can help fleet operators enforce good driving practices in their drivers due to the enhanced accountability when it comes to knowing that one’s actions are being watched. 

Types of Dashcams

The most common types of dashcams in use on our roads include:

  1. Single Lens Dashcams – These are the most popular and basic type of Dashcam, and it records only the front view of the vehicle. These tend to be cheaper, are easier to install, and are sufficient for the average driver’s needs when it comes to documentation. However, single lens dashcams are limited in their perspective, as they only record the front view of the vehicle, and may miss vital information that may be happening behind or on the sides of the vehicle. 
  2. Dual Lens Dashcams – These record the road as well as the interior of the vehicle, and are excellent when it comes to recording driver behavior and may be better suited to trucking companies who may need to confirm whether or not their drivers are adhering to traffic rules and aren’t driving distracted such as using their phones or fiddling with the radio while driving. That said, these types of cameras may be more expensive than single lens ones, and may require some technical know-how when it comes to their installation. 
  3. 360-degree Dashcams – these use multiple cameras to give a driver a comprehensive and full view of both the surroundings and their vehicle. These dashcams do a great job at recording a complete picture of the environment, are perfect for driving in urban areas due to heavy traffic and may even come with features such as parking surveillance, GPS tracking and motion detection. The disadvantages of 360-degree Dashcams, however, include their higher cost as well as the need for professional assistance when it comes to their installation. 

How Dashcam Footage Can Help Your Truck Accident Lawsuit

Dashcam footage can emerge as a key part of your legal strategy, helping not only prove culpability, but also increasing your damages. Here are some of the reasons why Dashcam footage is your ally after a truck accident:

  1. Determining who is at fault in auto accidents is a complex affair. Witnesses may not particularly reliable, police reports may be ambiguous, and your injuries may not say much with regard to liability. However, Dashcam footage provides objective information due to it capturing the moments leading up to your accident, showing what exactly happens, and the negligent actions the other driver took, such as failing to yield, ignoring traffic rights, and swerving in and out of traffic, and speeding. This kind of evidence cannot be explained away as it is clear, logical and sequential. In addition, you may be able to recover higher amounts when it comes to damages you seek for medical expenses as the footage may show the force of the impact which may explain your injuries, as well as the types of injuries linked to such accidents. 
  2. Corroborating non-economic damages claims can be difficult without objective evidence, as defendant’s counsel may argue that your accident was not severe enough to warrant the damages you are seeking. The emotional distress associated with an accident as severe as a truck accident is usually confirmed by the carnage and collision between two vehicles, with one being a much larger truck. In addition, loss of consortium damages can be justified via Dashcam footage by looking at the aftermath of the accident, as well as the resultant PTSD and depression that is associated with such a major event, which would make most people withdraw from daily life and companionship 
  3. Lastly, Dashcam footage may help your legal team build a stronger case that can stand up to scrutiny due to the video footage being used to bolster expert witness testimony, provide clear narrative of the accident as well as its aftermath, and help your attorneys prepare rebuttals in advance in response to the defense’s legal arguments. 

Experienced, Countrywide Truck Accident Attorneys – Call Us Today!

If you were the victim of a truck accident that wasn’t your fault, it is important to understand that these cases are not only complex, but a lot is on the line with regard to compensation. By working with an experienced, countrywide truck accident attorney, you will be able to compile all primary evidence and create a compelling case that will allow you to recover maximum compensation which will go a long way in paying for your medical expenses, the cost of rehabilitation, lost wages, loss of consortium, pain and suffering and so much more.

Please call us NOW at 312-444-0214 to learn more about the true value of your case via a 100% FREE legal consultation regardless of where you are in the country. Thanks for choosing McCready Law, and we look forward to helping you.