Can I Receive Unpaid Wages if I Had Coronavirus? More Inside

The coronavirus pandemic has turned the labor market upside down. With many people out of work, it seems like nothing is ever going to go back to normal. That said, many employers have been using legislation passed by the federal government to protect businesses from unfair litigation as an excuse to deny their workers of unpaid wages, especially those that have been out of work due to contracting the virus.
Are you looking for a coronavirus employment lawsuits attorney? If you believe your employer unfairly denied you compensation in the form of unpaid wages, you may be able to file a workers’ compensation lawsuit to recover the money that he or she owes you. Please contact our best coronavirus employment issues attorneys NOW at (773) 823-0298 to receive your 100% FREE and confidential consultation into all things employment during these difficult times. Should we take on your case and represent you, we will not charge you a cent until we win your claim on your behalf. For FREE legal representation, please call our coronavirus work lawsuit attorneys NOW at (773) 823-0298 to get more information.
Families First Coronavirus Response Act and Labor Laws
The Families First Coronavirus Response Act was passed by Congress last year in March in order to help workers get through the pandemic while still receiving some kind of compensation for their work. The Act orders small to medium-sized businesses across the country to provide compensation in the form of wages to any of their workers should they contract the coronavirus. In addition, the Act makes it illegal for individuals to fire their workers for taking time off work in the form of leave during the pandemic.
Unpaid Wages at All-Time High During Coronavirus
However, this piece of legislation has mostly fallen on deaf ears, as access to confidential files thanks to the Freedom of Information Act has shown that employers owe numerous employees across the country unpaid wages that currently run in the millions. What’s worse is that the industries that have been withholding wages for individuals considered as low-wage workers such as those that work in the food, construction and hotel industries.
According to the FFCRA regulations, you’re eligible for the following:
- Up to two weeks of paid leave should you contract coronavirus
- Up to two weeks of paid sick leave in order to care for a loved one who contracted the virus, paid at two thirds of your regular salary
- Up to TEN weeks of paid medical leave to take care of a child who can’t go to school due to school closure as a result of COVID-19
Can I Receive Paid Leave During Coronavirus
It is important to note that you qualify to receive paid leave as long as you are a contracted worker that has been with their company for more than 30 days. In addition, you may be eligible for backpay due to unpaid leave if you are a part-time worker.
Remember, filing an unpaid leave lawsuit during coronavirus is within your legal rights, and your employer retaliating by lowering your hours, demoting or firing you or even transferring you is illegal, and as a result, you can file two lawsuits in such cases, with the second one being a workplace retaliation coronavirus lawsuit.
Coronavirus Unpaid Wages Attorneys – Call Us Today!
If you believe that you were unfairly and illegally denied unpaid wages during coronavirus, please reach out to us NOW at (773) 823-0298 for more information on your legal options for compensation. The call is FREE, and legal representation is FREE until we recover compensation for your unpaid wages coronavirus lawsuit. We look forward to hearing from you.