
Can USPS Workers Receive Benefits for Age-Related Macular Degeneration?

The aging process is inescapable, and some individuals are more prone to the vagaries of the same than others. One such issue that faces hundreds of thousands each year is age-related macular degeneration, which refers to the degradation of a certain part of the eye, leading to poor vision. This is not a preventable condition, but it can be managed with treatment and other natural healing modalities such as specific nutrients found in foods.

USPS workers rely on their eyesight from the minute they pick up their packages and mail from the sorting center to the second they drop off the same at the customer’s porch or doorstep. As a result, any eye issues have the potential to make their work challenging, or even downright impossible. Thankfully, a program instituted by the FECA legislation known as federal employees retirement system or FERS compensation is available for those that have sustained an injury or have an illness that prevents them from effectively working either temporarily or permanently.

This program can be seen as a form of early retirement, but those that make a reasonable recovery may be able to rejoin the federal workforce as letter carriers later on. AMD, as it is otherwise known, can be a distressing condition which leads to progressive loss of one’s sight, necessitating surgical intervention or long-term administration of medication.

For the uninitiated, applying for FERS disability compensation may seem like a walk in the park, but the reality is that most people have their applications denied due to procedural errors, the lack of comprehensive evidence, and in some cases, due to mistakes on the side of the Office of Personnel Management.

In order to secure your compensation as a USPS worker with age-related macular degeneration, it is imperative that you work with an experienced injured USPS worker law firm so as to expedite the process and make sure all forms are correct and that you meet compensation requirements, and we would love to help facilitate this journey on your behalf so you can focus on healing.

Are you looking for a best FERS disability compensation attorney? Please call us NOW at (314) 481-63338 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. The experienced FERS disability compensation lawyers at McCready Law have helped tens of thousands of injured and unwell federal workers from all across the country seek, receive and keep compensation benefits after sustaining a work-related injury, or simply falling ill and being unable to return to work on account of the severe nature of their illness.

At McCready Law, we understand and appreciate the fact that this may be a financially difficult time for you and as such, we are pleased to announce the availability of flat, never-changing hourly legal rates for our services.

In addition, OPM reviews our fees to ensure they are in line with industry rates as the goal is to ensure the maximum amount of benefits or compensation in your pocket. We maintain excellent relationships with physicians and other experts who are well-versed in the FERS disability compensation process, meaning that your exams will demonstrate clear medical evidence alluding to the severity of your condition, helping add weight to your claim.

If you developed AMD as a USPS worker and are wondering about getting into a federal program that allows you to receive medical care and benefits, please give us a call NOW at (314) 481-63338 to learn more about how we can help you with this; the call is 100% FREE, and our intake team is standing by.

AMD in USPS Workers – Causes, Types and Impact on Work Productivity

AMD or age-related macular degeneration is a degenerative condition which affects the central part of the retina known as the macular which is vital in processing high-resolution vision. The macula is responsible for helping you recognize faces, read and perform highly specialized tasks as well as see fine details. AMD has the ability to progress to the point where you have only a 30 percent vision capability, significantly impacting your ability to live an independent and productive life.

Some of the risk factors that have been shown to increase the likelihood of developing AMD include things like age, especially for individuals over the age of 50, a genetic predisposition, tobacco smoking, and even obesity or high blood pressure which has been shown to lessen blood flow to the eyes.

AMD can be categorized into two; dry AMD which is the most common and is seen in over 90 percent of all cases where macula eye cells gradually break down and wet AMD where there is an abnormal growth of blood vessels beneath the retina leading to rapid vision loss.

How AMD May Impact a USPS Worker’s Ability:

  • Workers may have a hard time reading addresses and ensuring that packages and mail is delivered to the correct residence
  • USPS workers may find it difficult to sort mail in an efficient and accurate manner
  • USPS workers with age-related macular degeneration may also have a hard time operating machinery and even driving in the line of duty, leading to safety issues and accidents.

Qualifying for FERS Disability Compensation as a USPS Worker

In order to qualify for FERS disability compensation as a USPS worker with age-related macular degeneration, you must be a FERS career employee and have at least 18 months of civilian service within the federal government, and have a medical condition which impairs your ability to perform at least one essential work duty.

Medical documentation forms the foundation of these claims, so it is essential that you work with a physician that has seen federal workers in the past and is able to demonstrate how your condition affects your ability to be an effective USPS mail letter carrier by use of objective medical evidence and a corresponding report.

Best FERS Disability Compensation Attorneys – Call Us Today!

Navigating the FERS disability compensation application process is not for the faint of heart, and doing it alone may mean weeks or even months of delays due to improperly filled out forms and failure to understand the requirements of OPM. In addition, most individuals who opt for self-representation do not have an appreciation of the long-term impact of their injuries or disease and as such, may get locked out of maximum compensation with no option to have their benefit amounts amended in the future.

It is for these reasons that we would love to help ensure that you successfully receive FERS disability compensation benefits in the shortest amount possible; simply give us a call NOW at (314) 481-63338 to speak with one of our attorneys to learn more about how we can help with your FERS disability compensation process. Thanks for choosing McCready Law, and we look forward to helping you.