
Can You Apply for FERS Disability Compensation Due to Crohn’s Disease?

Conditions or syndromes that affect the digestive system can be debilitating and chronic, as well as remittent, meaning that sufferers won’t catch a break for many months and sometimes, years. Many times, these conditions are idiopathic or have no unknown cause, and the course of treatment involves managing the condition and preventing or treating any complications in a timely manner.

One such condition is Crohn’s disease, which affects the lining of the gastrointestinal tract, causing constipation or diarrhea, necessitating the use of a restroom multiple times a day. As a result, individuals with Crohn’s disease may find themselves incapacitated and unable to carry out both work and social responsibilities, leading to stagnation in both of these life areas. USPS last mile workers have to be mobile for the better part of the day, but Crohn’s disease may make it so they become unable to comfortably work for fear of soiling themselves or being doubled up in severe pain.

Crohn’s disease is characterized by the inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, and it may cause malnutrition, fatigue, depression, and even anxiety if left untreated for a long time. Fortunately, thanks to the FECA legislation, a federal worker may be able to apply for disability compensation as well as take time off work for as long as they are unwell with this condition pending approval by OPM.

That said, even though the process seems straightforward, the procedure is strict and convoluted, and many USPS workers find their claims getting denied due to a minor issue they overlooked during the filling out of their application or how their medical assessment was carried out. To this end, you need the keen eyes of a FERS disability compensation attorney in order to ensure that your application is in line with the OPM requirements as well as communicate with OPM officials for a smooth expedited process, and we’re here to help you with this and so much more.

Are you looking for the best FERS disability compensation attorney for Crohn’s disease? Please call us NOW at (314) 481-63338 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. The experienced FERS disability compensation lawyers at McCready Law bring to the table over 30 years of combined experience helping injured postal workers apply, get, and keep their benefits after getting hurt on the job or developing a health condition that makes it unable for them to continue working.

We assist in filing the right application papers, ensuring that you are seen by a physician who understands the OPM and OWCP requirements, communicate with OPM on your behalf so there are no loose ends, inform you of any amendments or further tests that need to be done so that the process is seamless and takes up the least amount of time possible.

At McCready Law, we empathize with you during this difficult time and it’s because of this that we would like to announce the availability of flat hourly consultation rates that allow you to access our legal services in a manner that is convenient to you so you’re not left out of receiving FERS disability benefits for lack of legal representation.

We serve all injured USPS workers countrywide, and our track record speaks for itself, with a bilingual office (Hablamos Español), and compassionate staff on hand. If you developed Crohn’s disease as a federal worker and are unable to continue working efficiently, please give us a call NOW at (314) 481-63338 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation – the call is 100% FREE, and our intake team is standing by.

Crohn’s Disease in Federal Workers and its Symptoms

Crohn’s disease is one of the two major types of inflammatory bowel diseases or IBD, with the other one being ulcerative colitis. Crohn’s can affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract from the mouth all the way to the anus, but it is mostly seen in the ileum, the small intestine, and the colon.

Symptoms of Crohn’s disease alternate between periods of remission and flare-ups where the individual experiences worsening symptoms, for them to disappear for days or weeks altogether.

Some of the most common symptoms of Crohn’s disease include:

  1. Frequent and urgent bowel movements or diarrhea leading to nutrient loss or even dehydration
  2. Abdominal cramping or pain which may even make it difficult to stand for long periods of time
  3. Chronic and unexplained fatigue which may lead to work absenteeism
  4. The inflammation related to the condition is known to lead to fevers and chills
  5. The individual may lose weight due to nutritional deficiencies on account of malabsorption
  6. Vomiting and nausea may also be present on flare-up days

How Crohn’s Disease Impacts USPS Workers

Crohn’s disease may make it next to impossible to carry out job functions as a USPS worker due to a number of factors. Given the fact that you may be required to lift and carry heavy packages on any given day, abdominal pain and fatigue may make a task like this unbearable and very painful.

Another factor is the unpredictable nature of the condition, whereby you may have an episode of explosive diarrhea unannounced meaning you may need to be close to a restroom at all times, canceling out your ability to go out and deliver customer mail and packages. This, together with the nutritional deficiencies and weight loss may make it next to impossible for an individual to continue with their work as a USPS last mile worker.

Best FERS Disability Compensation Lawyers for Crohn’s Disease – Call Us Today!

In order to apply for FERS disability compensation for Crohn’s disease, you will need to have worked for the federal government for a minimum of 18 months. In addition, you must gather medical evidence which includes getting an official diagnosis from a healthcare provider, showing evidence of ongoing treatment, as well as demonstrating how your disease hinders your ability to be productive at work as well as show up for friends and family.

By working with an attorney, you will be able to receive timely and expert assistance on how to fill the Standard Form 3112, demonstrate that you have a functional disability, and even physically represent you during hearings and appeals. Lastly, they will also help maximize your benefits by looking at programs such as vocational rehabilitation as well as advocate for additional benefits to help you undergo any procedures or receive at-home assistance where possible.

Need more clarity on the program? Please give us a call NOW at (314) 481-63338 if you’re a postal worker living with Crohn’s disease to learn more about the FERS disability compensation program for your health condition. Thanks for choosing us, and we look forward to helping you.