
Can You Have Your Benefits Increased as an Injured Postal Worker?

Injured postal workers may have questions regarding compensation benefits that may tide them over during these difficult times, as an injury can effectively put you out of commission for weeks or even months. Thankfully, FECA, a piece of legislation passed last century makes it possible for you to apply for compensation as long as you’re able to show via medical evidence that you suffered injuries and that they were caused or made worse by work conditions or duties. Federal workers’ compensation is managed by the Department of Labor and Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs, and there are stringent requirements one must meet in order to qualify, as well as a number of stages that must be followed before being approved. However, even after being approved and starting to receive these benefits, changes can occur either for the better or worse depending on your health situation going forward. Adjustments in federal workers’ compensation benefits for injured postal workers are all too common, and understanding the circumstances behind the same can help you prepare for these adjustments so your living conditions do not drastically change, we’re here to help you make sense of all of this and more.

Are you looking for a federal workers’ compensation attorney? If you suffered an injury as a USPS worker or any other federal employee for that matter, you may be entitled to significant financial compensation that may go a long way in catering to your financial obligations as well as paying for things such as doctor visits, prescriptions, rehabilitation, home care and so much more. For close to three decades, the experienced and compassionate federal workers’ compensation lawyers at McCready Law have helped thousands of individuals within the federal government get approved for, increase, or reinstate their benefits after suffering a work-related injury. We serve all injured federal workers countrywide and we run a bilingual office (hablamos Espanol). Whether you received a denial, are a first-time federal workers’ compensation applicant, or need your benefits upwardly adjusted, we’re here for you: benefit from our vast resources that will help get you the results that you deserve by calling us NOW at 312-444-0214 for your 100% FREE legal consultation into all things federal workers’ compensation – our intake team is standing by.

Can I Have My Federal Workers’ Compensation Benefits Increased?

Adjustments to your federal workers’ compensation benefits may occur due to a number of reasons:

Worsening Condition:

It is not uncommon for an injury or occupational disease to worsen over time even when you receive an excellent prognosis as health conditions can be as unpredictable as they come. As a result, you may require a reassessment of your disability status or further medical attention, and from this, you can submit medical documentation asking for an adjustment as a result of your worsening condition.

Increased Disability Rating:

Disability ratings are doled out after your medical assessment, and they are used to determine not only your compensation amount but also whether or not you’ll be able to perform some work-related duties. Should your rating change from partial to total disability, you may be eligible for additional compensation.

New Diagnoses:

Oftentimes, conditions can lead to a domino effect with regard to your health where an initial diagnosis or injury leads to another, new diagnosis. For example, if you suffered a back injury as a postal worker that tripped and fell while delivering a package across an apartment floor, you may later develop a sharp, shooting pain that radiates from your hip and down all the way to your leg, signaling the development of sciatica. Sciatica on its own will need to be diagnosed and treated via NSAIDs, muscle relaxants, and physical therapy, all of which will cost a considerable amount, requiring that your federal workers’ compensation benefits be increased.

Return to Work With Restrictions:

When you return to work after an injury as a postal worker, you may discover you just aren’t able to work at the capacity you were accustomed to due to residual pain some form of inflexibility, or ongoing fatigue due to hormonal or homeostatic or even psychological changes on account of the fallout effects of PTSD. Consequently, you may be placed on light duty assignments which are meant to place as little strain on your mind and body as possible and prevent re-injury, but still give you the opportunity to continue being a productive employee of the federal government. Wage-loss benefits therefore warrant an adjustment in your federal workers’ compensation benefits, and they are meant to ensure you don’t suffer financially through no fault of your own.

Countrywide Postal Worker Federal Workers’ Compensation Attorneys – Call Us Today!

Federal workers’ compensation is your inalienable right as an injured postal worker. However, just because it exists for you doesn’t mean you get a hall pass for compensation. Should circumstances surrounding your injury or occupational illness change, it is vital that you retain the services of a federal workers’ compensation attorney as we will help you get medically reassessed in order to justify this adjustment, collaborate with medical and other experts to corroborate your request for adjustment, ensure that the proper paperwork is filed in a timely manner, and represent you in communications between you and OWCP, easing the stress and anxiety you may currently face, letting you recover in a peaceful environment as we work hard at getting your benefits increased. If you were injured as a postal worker or any federal worker for that matter, please reach out to us NOW at 312-444-0214 for your 100% FREE legal consultation into all things federal workers’ compensation so we can help you get approved or have your benefits upwardly adjusted in as little time as possible. Thanks for choosing us, and we look forward to helping you.