Can You Really Trust Self-Driving Cars?

Self-driving cars were once the stuff of science fiction movies. Thanks to technology, it’s now possible to purchase one of these and enjoy the comfort and reliability that comes with having specialized software take over the sometimes arduous task of driving. That being said, no piece of technology is infallible, and human error seems to court us every step of the way. Getting into an accident while driving a self-driving car can be a legally complicated situation given the numerous parties that may be at fault for your accident and subsequent injuries. That being said, having a competent car accident attorney can help you navigate these murky legal waters and come out on top with the compensation you rightfully deserve.
Are you looking for an attorney who handles accidents involving self-driving cars? If so, please give us a call TODAY at 1 (773) 825-3547 for more information on your legal options for compensation. We have a team of attorneys who bring to the table over 70 years of combined legal experience, extensive resources and staff that will keep you updated every step of the way should you choose us to take on your car crash case. Please call 1 (773) 825-3547 NOW for more information on the value of your claim and to find out if you have a valid claim.
Self-Driving Car Deaths – Arizona Woman Loses Her Life in Uber Strike
Earlier this year, a Tempe, Arizona woman was killed when she was struck by a self-driving Uber SUV while she was crossing the road. While there was a human driver behind the wheel when the accident happened, this individual was looking down and not at the road. There have been multiple accidents involving self-driving cars in the past, but what makes this particular accident different is the fact that this was the first fatality associated with a self-driving vehicle.
California Man Killed By Tesla Vehicle
In late March, a man driving a Telsla self-driving vehicle lost his life when the car crashed into a barrier on the California highway. Officials from Tesla said in a statement that the driver did not take control of the vehicle even after receiving multiple visual and audible alters to take over the vehicle steering in the moments leading up to the crash.
Are Self-Driving Cars Safe?
These two fatalities expose the false sense of security motorists are lulled into, thinking that self-driving cars are safe and without error. Even though automation safety standards are in place, this is a relatively new type of technology that is prone to mistakes, and it must be refined over the next few years to make it reasonably safe for all motorists looking to make the switch.
We Still Don’t Trust Self-Driving Cars –Survey
Consumer safety is always at the forefront when it comes to driving safety in the U.S. and all advanced nations. That being said, most people are wary of this new technology, as seen by a poll which indicated that over 50 percent of all drivers would not purchase a self-driving vehicle given the issues of inadequate safety testing as well as the infancy of this kind of technology.
Car Accident Attorney Help
Looking for a best car accident attorney? Call us today and speak with an attorney for FREE at 1 (773) 825-3547 regarding your legal options for compensation.