
Countrywide Daycare Injury Lawyers | McCready Law

Parents who send their children to daycare centers across the country expect that their children will be looked after in a safe environment for the duration of time they are there. With our busy schedules and the need for personalized and professional care, parents come to expect that these centers will do a great job of this. These centers are under the Administrative Code which is responsible for licensing and inspecting these facilities.

Was your child injured or abused at a daycare center? If so, call our daycare injury lawyers today at 1 (773) 825-3547 to learn more about the legal protections accorded to your loved one. Our countrywide daycare lawyers work on a contingency fee basis, so you never have to worry about our fees until we recover compensation on your behalf. Call 1 (773) 825-3547 NOW for more information on daycare abuse settlements.

Here are some of the safety and health regulations daycare centers must follow:

  1. Stocking and making accessible a first aid kit
  2. Keeping any hazardous items away from kids
  3. Periodically engaging children and staff in emergency drills
  4. Making sure children are constantly supervised
  5. Ensuring the safety and sanitation of snacks and drinks

Laws in most states also require that caregivers pass a background check and medical report, and that the director ought to be at least 21 years old and be college educated for a minimum of 2 years as well as have undergone a minimum of fifteen hours of safety and related training each year.

The law prohibits daycare centers from carrying out any of the following:

Daycare Abuse in Attorneys – We Can Help!

If you believe your child was the victim of any form of abuse at a daycare center or anywhere else in the country, give us a call NOW at 1 (773) 825-3547. Even if you don’t know how exactly the incident occurred, we can help investigate the matter and collect evidence to build a strong and compelling case on your family’s behalf. Filing a daycare abuse lawsuit will enable you to recover money damages that will go into paying for present, past and future medical expenses, psychological therapy for your child, as well as punitive damages as well as the removal of the guilty individual from the center so they won’t hurt other children going forward. The call is free, and we have over two decades of experience helping injured adults and children all over our state. Thanks for choosing us, and we look forward to hearing from you.