Chocolate Cookie Icebox Dessert

Our staff LOVES desserts. Every day of the week, someone brings in something they made at home. Usually by lunch, it’s gone! Cakes, cookies, muffins, pastries – you name it, we’ve made it. Oftentimes clients stop by the office and are lucky enough to grab a piece of dessert before it is all gone. Over the years, clients have asked for recipes for desserts they tried at the office. Thus, the idea of sharing a recipe each month in our newsletter. We hope you enjoy this dessert — Chocolate Cookie Icebox Dessert — as much as we all do!
INGREDIENTS Chocolate Cookie Icebox Dessert
3 boxes of Nabisco Famous
Chocolate Wafers
4 cups of whipping cream
3 tbsp sugar or to taste I don’t
like mine too sweet
1 tsp vanilla extract
1. Combine the whipping cream, sugar and vanilla in a large bowl. Beat until
light and fluffy.
2. On a large serving platter, swirl a couple of tablespoons of whipped
cream onto the plate. This will hold the bottom cookies in place.
3. Place 8 wafers in a circle on the plate, leaving room to place 4 on top to
make a solid layer. ( see the how-to video!)
4. Top with whipped cream.
5. Repeat for another 10-11 layers.
6. Finish with whipped cream on top, then sprinkle with leftover broken
cookies. There are always broken cookies.
7. Wrap lightly with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight until the next
8. Remove and slice carefully to serve!