Cleared for Compensation – How Injured TSA Workers Can Qualify for Compensation In Three Easy Steps

Close to 3 million Americans take to the skies every single day, and this number balloons to over 200 million during the entirety of the summer period. Americans love to travel, whether for work and leisure, and the hardworking individuals at the Transportation Security Administration are responsible for the wellbeing and safety of these millions of people every day. The TSA is responsible for making sure there are no dangerous items that make their way onto our planes, as well as screening passengers and making sure travelers have the needed permits or valid documentation to fly to their destination.

One could say a position with the TSA is in some ways a thankless job, because many Americans don’t appreciate the vital role these individuals play in keeping our airways safe, as well as a dangerous one, as injuries are unfortunately all too common. If you are a TSA worker, you are covered under FECA which is a piece of legislation which lays out your options for compensation should you get injured while on the job. That said, having the keen eyes of a federal workers’ compensation attorney for TSA workers will help expedite the process as well as help you avoid any denials, and we’re here to help with that.

Are you a TSA worker that got hurt on the job? Whether you slipped and fell due to water or liquids while carrying out security checks, got stabbed by a sharp object in luggage you were inspecting, were injured from repetitive lifting and bending, or even got attacked by a passenger en route to boarding, you may be eligible for substantial financial compensation in the form of schedule awards, cost of medical treatment, lost wages, disability benefits and so much more. The experienced TSA worker injury attorneys at McCready Law bring to the table a wealth of experience spanning over two decades helping injured federal workers in virtually all departments or agencies, and we’d love to help you overcome this challenging time by providing timely legal assistance to get your claim approved and benefits rolling. We run a bilingual office (hablamos Espanol) and we serve all injured TSA workers countrywide. Wherever you are in the country, we can help: simply call us NOW at 312-444-0214 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation – the initial consultation is 100% FREE, and there is no legal obligation.

Here are some of the most common injuries faced by TSA workers:

  1. Musculoskeletal disorders – these involve bones, muscles and tendons, and can be as a result of carrying out the same motion for hundreds, or even thousands of time. Scanning luggage, patting down thousands of passengers daily can lead to repetitive strain injuries which affect the shoulder, wrist, hips and other joints, resulting in tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and bursitis.
  2. Neck and back pain or even bulging discs due to carrying heavy passenger luggage off and onto ramps for screening, repetitively bending and lifting luggage, and standing at one position for many hours a day.
  3. Knee and shoulder conditions can develop on account of reaching, climbing and bending can put considerable strain as well as wear and tear on the tendons and joints found in these areas.
  4. Occupational exposure is also a common concern for TSA workers given the pollution associated with airports due to dust, debris and airplane exhaust. In addition, passenger belongings, airport cleaning products can contain chemicals which may cause or worsen conditions like asthma and even lead to contact dermatitis over time
  5. Nobody talks about this, but working for the TSA can be an incredibly challenging and stressful job as workers are always on edge, expecting either drugs, explosive or biological material and other high-risk content in passengers’ luggage, and even violent, uncooperative passengers. Due to the constant need to be alert, many TSA workers develop stress-related disorders such as anxiety, depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and burnout.
  6. Slips, trips, and falls are another category of injuries faced by TSA workers due to wet floors that are always being cleaned, bags and other items being placed in inconvenient locations on the floor as passengers wait to board their planes and the chaos and confusion associated with airports can all contribute to falls, sprains, head and back injuries from falls, and even fractures.

Federal Workers’ Compensation for TSA Workers – What Does The Law Say?

At the turn of the last century, the federal government recognized the need for the federal workplace to have streamlined injury and compensation program to boost faith and retention in the service as well as its workers. To this end, congress passed FECA, an Act of government which outlines who is eligible for compensation, the compensation period, the amounts and calculations and so on.

In order to be eligible for federal workers’ compensation, you must have suffered an on-the-job injury, and the injury must be causally related to a specific job duty or performance of your job (for example, you were looking through a passenger’s luggage and a knife lacerated your finger, or you got attacked by an inebriated passenger).

I’m an Injured TSA Worker– What Benefits Can I Collect?

Injured TSA workers may be eligible for the cost of medical treatment, which includes things like cost of hospitalization, prescription medications, physical rehabilitation, cost of therapy and more. In addition, you won’t be subject to any copays and deductibles while under federal workers’ compensation. You may also qualify for wage loss compensation for the days you missed work, as well as schedule awards if you suffered a permanent impairment or injury.

Experienced Federal Workers’ Compensation Lawyers for TSA Workers – Call Us Today!

There is so much we haven’t discussed in this article regarding compensation for injured TSA workers as this topic is nuanced and layered, and it is dependent on your individual circumstances. If you would like to know more about what your injury is worth as a TSA worker, or you got denied and are seeking an appeal, we’d love to help, whatever the stage you’re in currently. Do not get overwhelmed, and don’t go it alone – our expert and compassionate workers’ compensation lawyers are standing by to help you through this journey by handling the entire claims on your behalf so you can focus on healing and getting better.

Please, give us a call TODAY at 312-444-0214 to learn more about compensation options for injured TSA workers. Thanks for choosing McCready Law, and we look forward to helping you.