The family of a deceased 19-year-old college freshman is suing his fraternity for making him drink dangerous amounts of alcohol. The morning of November 2nd, the night after an initiation party, members of the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity found David Bogenberger dead.
Police reported his blood alcohol level as being almost five times the legal limit. The Bogenbergers are naming the 22 members of the local fraternity in their suit for forcing Bogenberger to drink extreme amounts as a condition of initiation and also for not finding help when Bogenberger became unconscious. The suit also as claims the national association of Pi Kappa Alpha did not do enough to train and inform the local chapters of the dangers of alcohol hazing.
Tragedies like this can devastate families. If someone you love has been injured or killed as the result of hazing or other organizational negligence, McCready Law can help you. Call us today at (773) 779-9885 for a free consultation.