
Common and Surprising Injuries in an Uber Accident

The last thing any one of us would want to be is involved in a car accident. With the number of inexperienced drivers in our streets masquerading as qualified Uber drivers, accidents have become more likely to occur, and some of these can be catastrophic depending on the various circumstances surrounding the accident. It is important to seek medical attention right after an Uber accident because you’ll be able to get the care that you need and prevent a complication from becoming something life-threatening, but seeing a doctor after an Uber accident will help you document everything, and it’s this evidence that will help you seek the compensation you truly deserve once you file an Uber accident lawsuit.

Were you hurt in an Uber or Lyft and are currently looking for legal help? Our nationwide Uber accident attorneys would love to help get you the compensation you’re entitled to. We have over 90 YEARS of stellar legal experience among us, and we take on cases on contingency fee basis which means that we only charge you once we successful recover compensation on your behalf. Please contact our Uber injuries attorneys NOW at (773) 902-0413  to learn more. The call is ABSOLUTELY FREE, and there’s no legal obligation. McCready Law, the country’s Number 1 Uber accident attorneys.

Here are some of the most common injuries in Uber accidents:

  1. Broken Bones

The velocity at which any car is traveling will determine the type of injuries the occupants will experience at the time of impact. Broken bones are a common complication of Uber accidents because of the awkward position of the body and its inability to move in the car. Once the bones absorb the G-Forces, they will snap and break due to their location, stuffed between the front seat and the back of the seat. Broken bones may require pins and screws, a cast or sling.

  1. Whiplash and Neck Injuries

The body comes to a sudden stop during a crash, and this jerks the upper body and neck forward and then back in an unnatural manner. This causes whiplash, or a type of injury caused by the sudden movement of the neck vertebra or bones, as well as the cartilage, tendons and muscles in this general area. Whiplash treatment involves wearing a brace or cervical collar to keep your neck in a stationary position until it heals, and the administration of painkillers and NSAIDs, as needed, with recovery taking a few weeks or months depending on the severity of the whiplash.

Best Nationwide Uber Accident Attorneys – Call Us NOW!

If you’ve been hurt in a car accident caused by an Uber or Lyft driver, we can help you get the compensation and justice you are owed. We can help recover things like lost wages, cost of past and future medical care, pain and suffering, replacing damaged property, cost of long-term care, loss of future earning capacity, and so much more. Please reach out to us NOW at (773) 902-0413 to learn more. Thanks for choosing our experienced Uber attorneys, and we look forward to hearing from you.