Common Injuries and Compensation for Commerical Fish Trawler Workers

Commercial fishing has been in existence for decades ever since the technology and know-how of how to construction large boats such as trawlers were invented. Commercial fishermen who work on trawlers have to put up with long hours, unsafe conditions and lots of bumps and bruises that they don’t really have the time to take into account their safety on the job. However, it is the responsibility of their employers to ensure that safety protocol laid down by the federal government is followed to the letter every time workers report for daily duties. Factory trawlers are essentially self-sufficient boats which have processing capabilities and plants built into the ship meaning that they don’t have to dock if they want to stay out at sea for long periods of time as the catching, processing and storage of fish can all happen on the ship without the need for external resources. Fishing trawlers are usually crowded spaces, and so many things could be happening all at the same time, making it likely that someone may get injured. Accidents aren’t just freak occurrences: human negligence or inaction has now been shown to cause over 90 percent of all accidents and injuries, so it is vital that you hold the individual that injured you accountable so you can collect your money damages under maritime injury law, and we’re here to help with that.
Are you looking for a best maritime injury attorney? Please call us NOW at (773) 825-3547 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. The experienced maritime injuries lawyers at McCready Law have over 90 YEARS of combined legal experience helping people just like you who were hurt or injured due to the negligent actions of individuals or whole corporations. What sets us apart from other maritime injury law firms is the fact that we have extensive experience litigating claims, a practice that nets you a much higher compensation amount compared to insurance negotiations, which most firms choose. On top of having a bilingual staff (hablamos Espanol), we’ve recovered over $20 million for our clients over the last two decades. Lastly, we take on all cases on contingency fee basis, which simply means that there are NO UPFRONT FEES during any time in the processing of your claim. Wherever you are in the country, we can help you with your claim, or refer it: simply call us NOW at (773) 825-3547 to learn more about your options – the call is 100% FREE!
Fish processors on fishing trawlers may face the following injuries:
- Falls from heights
- Slips and falls on decks
- Unguarded equipment causing amputations
- Excessive lifting and repetitive motion may cause tendon injuries
- Falling objects may cause head injuries and TBIs
- Crew assaults may lead to severe injuries due to bodily harm
Maritime Workers, Fatigue and Mistakes on the Job
It’s not uncommon for fishing trawler workers to work unbelievably long hours spanning over 16 hours, making fatigue a big concern. The brain doesn’t work as well when one is fatigued, which may then cause people to make fatal cognitive mistakes while on the job.
Best Commercial Fishing Worker Injury Lawyers – Call Us NOW!
If you’re an injured fish trawler and processing worker, you may be eligible for various forms of compensation such as cost of medical care, pain and suffering, lost wages, loss of consortium, loss of society, wrongful death benefits if your loved one died, legal fees and so much more. Please call us NOW at (773) 825-3547 to learn more about your legal options. Thanks, and we look forward to helping you.