
Compensation Criteria for Federal Workers’ Compensation

Federal employees who have suffered an injury at work while performing work-related duties are eligible for compensation. While this is a given, there are certain criteria which you must meet in order to qualify for compensation.

Are you looking for a federal workers’ compensation attorney? Please call 1-855-233-3002 to speak with our nationwide injured federal worker lawyers for your free consultation into the validity as well as value of your claim. We’ve helped hundreds of injured workers just like you over the last 20 years, and we have the resources other firms may not possess such as access to timely, OWCP-friendly medical attention to help secure your compensation claim. Call 1-855-233-3002 NOW for your free consultation by one of our exceptional OWCP attorneys serving the continental United States.

In order to qualify, the following performance of duty criteria must be met:

  1. The injuries must have occurred within or off work premises as long as you were engaging in work duties and that you did not deviate from assignment provided to you due to personal reasons. In addition, the Proximity Rule applies whereby any hazardous conditions proximate to the premises within which said work duties were being performed will be considered when going over your claim.
  2. If you were commuting to and from work, you are not covered unless you were traveling for work, or if your employee provides transportation to and from work. In addition, if you were subject to emergency duty or had to travel during curfew, the transportation restriction may be waived.
  3. If you were working remotely, you may be considered for compensation if injuries happened at the workstation, or if you were performing duties which are considered to be directly related to your employment duties.
  4. If you had to step out of your employment duties momentarily such as in the case of an emergency and then got injured such as in the case of helping to put out a fire or rescue an individual, you may be eligible for compensation.
  5. If you suffered the fallout of an emotional reaction due to employment factors such as falling into severe depression or suffering emotional distress. You may be eligible for federal workers’ compensation, as long as you can furnish evidence of maltreatment or abuse or negligence by your employer.

Need More Help? Call Us Now!

Need to find out whether your are eligible for OWCP compensation? Please call us NOW at 1-855-233-3002 for more information on your legal options for compensation. We look forward to hearing from you.