
Compensation for Department Store Injuries

Injuries can happen anywhere, even at department stores. This means that individuals who are out and about must always be on guard and protect themselves by being careful and maneuvering around their environment in a purposeful manner. That being said, the negligence of another party, even when you are being extra careful, can lead to your injuries. Store injury settlements vary depending on how you were injured and the circumstances surrounding the event, but it is important, first and foremost, to speak with a store injury lawyer to secure your rights before you do anything else.

Are you looking for a store injury attorney? If you were injured while shopping, we can help: contact our department store injury lawyers NOW at 1 (773) 825-3547 to learn more about your legal options for compensation. We bring to the table more than 70 years of trial and insurance company negotiations experience, and we’d love to put this experience to work for you. To speak with someone regarding your store injury lawsuit, simply call 1 (773) 825-3547 NOW for free legal advice.

Here are some of the most common store injuries we see as a firm:

  • Slip and fall injuries
  • Furnishing or equipment accidents
  • Objects falling down the rack and hitting a shopper
  • Escalator accidents
  • Dog bites
  • Rape or assault in or around restrooms and dark or security deficient areas of the store

Department Store Injuries –What The Law Says

Store injuries are generally litigated under the premises liability claim. You are considered an invitee, a licensee or trespasser: all these individuals are afforded some type of legal protection albeit in varying degrees should they get injured at a store or commercial establishment of any kind. A store owner is legally obligated to warn you about any dangers or risks you may encounter within the premises in a manner that is considered reasonable so you can take steps to protect yourself or avoid the area where possible. Failure to warn constitutes negligence, which is a litigable act under premises liability law.

Gather Evidence Shortly After Your Department Store Accident

It is important to gather evidence and witness testimony after getting injured at a store anywhere. It is vital that you achieve a sufficient level of preponderance of the evidence that we can use in our legal strategy to make sure you can recover maximum compensation. Take photos of the area as well as your injuries, take down the numbers of witnesses, and contact our store injury lawyers at 1 (773) 825-3547 so we can take out a court order to recover CCTV footage of the event which will help prove negligence. Negligence in such instances will include things like not mopping up spills in a timely manner, arranging items on a shelf by staff in a haphazard manner, not providing adequate lighting in problematic areas of the store, failure to put up construction or hazard signs in areas that may pose a risk to shoppers, and so on.

Before You Speak With Anyone, Call Us First!

It is OK to notify the department store; however, you want to contact a department store injuries lawyer before you give out a statement in order to not accidentally or unintentionally admit to partial fault as this may affect the viability of your case. Ready to speak with someone? Contact us NOW at 1 (773) 825-3547 for more information on your legal options for compensation.