Compensation for Severe Lower Back in USPS Last Mile Workers

Most of us don’t ever think about it until it happens to us – severe lower back pain is a chronic condition that can upend anyone’s personal and professional life at any given time, and it can last for months, weeks or even years. We all take for granted the fact that we can stand upright and go about our daily activities every day, but for professionals such as USPS last mile workers who have to bend and twist every day as they offload and drop off packages potentially over 100 times each day, severe lower back pain can be debilitating and disabling, making the sufferer miss out on work and other commitments. The work of a USPS last mile worker is physically demanding, and sometimes, these individuals have to carry large packages and equipment across roads and even up flights of stairs, leading to the possibility of a back injury.
FECA is a piece of federal legislation which makes it possible for injured postal workers to seek compensation as well as spend time recuperating from their injuries or occupational illnesses as they go about seeking treatment and recovering. The federal workers’ compensation program is open to all injured federal workers as long as they can demonstrate causation, and it continues until a time when an individual has made maximum medical improvement, MMI. However, just because the program exists doesn’t mean that everyone will get their claim approved: the program is replete with red tape, and most prospective applicants make simple mistakes which then jeopardize their applications. To this end, it is vital to work with an experienced USPS federal workers’ compensation attorney so you get it right the first time, and it would be an honor to help you with this and so much more.
Are you looking for a best USPS federal workers’ compensation attorney for lower back injury claims? Please call us NOW at (314) 481-63338 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. The experienced federal workers’ compensation lawyers at McCready Law bring to the table over three decades of experience where we’ve helped thousands of injured federal workers just like you get and keep their benefits after suffering and on-the-job injury. At McCready Law, we empathize with injured federal workers and in the spirit of ensuring that we ease your financial burden during this difficult time, we would like to announce the introduction of flat hourly legal consultation fees that are both flexible and reasonable. In addition, our fees are reviewed by OPM to ensure fairness and that they are in line with official recommendations for federal workers’ compensation. We pride ourselves in our personalized approach, and to this end, our best USPS injured worker lawyers are always on hand to answer all your pressing questions during the process, and we make sure to update you on various issues such as requests for medical documentation, and additional information updates issued by OWCP. If you developed severe, intractable lower back pain as a USPS last mile worker, please give us a call NOW at (314) 481-63338 to learn more about how we can help expedite your claim so you can start receiving your benefits and taking care of your financial obligations in as little time as possible. The call is 100% FREE, and there is no legal obligation.
How Common is Lower Back Pain in USPS Workers and What are The Symptoms?
Severe lower back pain can be defined as any form of discomfort which occurs in the lower spinal region, which can be anywhere from the ribcage to the top of one’s legs. Most sufferers report feeling a dull ache, a tightness in the lower back, or even a sharp, stabbing pain around this region. In addition, the pain may travel down one or both legs, and may manifest as a secondary condition called sciatica which is due to the impingement of a large nerve that travels down the leg. Should lower back pain go untreated for a long time, sufferers may start to experience muscle spasms and may have a hard time standing up straight or being flexible, making simple tasks such as offloading the USPS van and going up steps or flights of stairs a painful affair.
Here are some of the most common causes of lower back pain in USPS last mile workers:
- Repetitive motions such as twisting, reaching and bending which can lead to muscle fatigue and injuries associated with overuse.
- Heavy lifting due to large packages which can lead to lower back strain and eventually, severe and chronic back pain
- Awkward postures when lifting or sorting packages at sorting centers which can stress the back, muscles and ligaments found in this region of the body.
- Stading on one’s feet for an extended amount of time or even extended walking can lead to lower back pain, particularly if the USPS worker was not provided with proper footwear or the terrain they regularly traverse is hard and offers little to no cushioning.
Consequences of Untreated Lower Back Pain in USPS Workers
Severe lower back pain in USPS workers can lead to poor productivity as one tries to work through the pain and modify their movements in order to offset it, which can in turn cause secondary injuries. USPS workers with severe lower back pain may also start to miss out on work more often or simply quit, leading to a higher turnover. Pain of this nature has also ben shown to lead to increased levels of stress, anxiety and depression, leading to poor motivation and lower job satisfaction.
Best Injured USPS Workers’ Compensation Lawyers – Call Us Today!
As a USPS worker dealing with severe lower back pain, it is important that you take no chances with your health and future: schedule an appointment with a physician so the appropriate tests can be carried out to rule out anything major, and make sure to document and preserve all medical proof as this will help you prove causation and provide a factual basis for your claim. In addition, let your supervisor know and get started on the federal workers’ compensation application process. However, even as you do this, we’d like to invite you to give us a call NOW at (314) 481-63338 to learn more about how we can help you breeze through the entire process. Thanks for choosing McCready Law, and we look forward to helping you.