Congestive Heart Failure May Qualify You for FERS Disability Benefits

The work of a letter carrier can be physically and mentally demanding. The USPS employs over half a million USPS workers, and they criss-cross the country, and are in every neighborhood everyday delivering mail and packages. With the advent of online shopping and the ease with which one can purchase whatever they want from the internet, last mile USPS workers have their work cut out for them. In order to be an efficient letter carrier, you must be able to walk a couple of miles a day without tiring or needing multiple breaks, carry large packages up flights of stairs, and endure extremes in temperatures. This job is made to look glamorous and easy in Hollywood movies, but the reality is the complete opposite. Injured and sick USPS workers who may have sustained a permanent injury or a chronic illness are able to claim compensation and go into a form of early retirement known as FERS disability benefits program which is overseen by the Office of Personnel Management. FERS disability pays out a monthly stipend to these individuals so they can take care of incidentals as well as pay for medical and rehabilitative care. Heart disease is one of the major killers of Americans, and it occurs due to a confluence of factors such as genetic susceptibility, lifestyle choices and uncontrolled high blood pressure. When poorly managed, heart disease can lead to the development of congestive heart failure, which can be hard to reverse or fatal. If you are an USPS worker with congestive heart failure or chronic heart disease, it is important to learn about your rights as they relate to compensation for this chronic, disabling condition, and we’re here to help you with that.
Are you looking for a FERS disability compensation attorney? Please call our experienced federal workers’ compensation lawyers at 312-444-0214 regardless of where you are in the country. For close to three decades, the dedicated attorneys at McCready Law have helped injured federal workers get, keep and increase their benefits after getting injured on the job or developing a chronic health condition. We’ve recovered over $250 million in that time period, and we’re ranked as one of the best federal workers’ compensation law firms in the country due to our track record and relentless dedication to the welfare of injured postal workers and other federal workers. If you developed chronic heart disease and are no longer able to carry out USPS worker related activities, call us NOW at 312-444-0214 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation – the call is 100% FREE, and our intake team is standing by.
What Exactly are Heart Disease and Congestive Heart Failure?
Heart disease is an umbrella term which encompasses a host of heart-related conditions brought on by various factors. Heart disease can include conditions such as heart valve problems, coronary artery disease, arrhythmias, congenital heart disease and so on. However, coronary artery disease is the most common, and it occurs when arteries responsible for supplying blood to the heart become blocked or narrow due to the buildup of plaque, a substance made up of cholesterol. Heart disease may lead to chest pain also known as angina, or a heart attack.
Congestive heart failure, also known as CHF, is a chronic heart condition which develops when the heart is unable to pump a sufficient amount of blood to other parts of the body, leading to the buildup of clear fluid in the lungs and other areas. Congestive heart failure is effectively a condition of heart function inefficiency, and can be caused by conditions such as high blood pressure, coronary artery disease and a history of heart attacks.
Some of the most common symptoms of congestive heart failure include:
- Irregular or rapid heartbeat which is a sign that the heart is beating faster to make up for its reduced ability to effectively pump blood
- Wheezing and persistent coughing which is often accompanies by pink blood-tinged or white mucus
- Swelling of the abdomen, legs or ankles usually caused by the buildup of fluid in these areas
- Tiredness and fatigue which doesn’t go away even with adequate rest
- Shortness of breath when doing light activity
How Congestive Heart Failure Can Impact USPS Worker Productivity
Heart disease and CHF can make it difficult and even downright impossible to work as a last mile letter carrier. For starters, USPS workers must be able to endure physical activity which includes lifting heavy boxes, offloading packages on routes, arranging the packages in the van, and carrying packages up multiple flights of stairs. With CHF, one is unable to complete tasks because they may get so fatigued that someone else may have to step in to help them, and over time, their work performance suffers, becoming a major issue in their ability to continue working for the USPS.
CHF can also lead to safety concerns in last mile letter carriers who may become accident-prone on account of symptoms such as shortness of breath or fatigue which may cause them to either miss a step or drop a package, or even fall while traversing a busy street, creating a danger to both themselves and the public.
The chronic nature of heart disease will also have a psychological impact which may lead to anxiety and depression as the individual ponders their mortality and is engulfed by fear regarding what could potentially happen if they push themselves too hard at work. This can in turn impact their ability to provide efficient service as a USPS worker.
Experienced and Compassionate USPS FERS Disability Benefits Lawyer – Call Us Today!
FERS disability benefits are available to all USPS workers with a chronic condition that meet the criteria. However, they must have been employed by the federal government for a minimum of 18 months, show their inability to work effectively, demonstrate that there are no other similar positions whether in the federal government or commercial industries that can accommodate their chronic condition, and file all documents in a timely manner. These cases are incredibly complicated, and lot of moving parts are involved that you may not be aware of which may lead to you leaving a lot of money on the table, or having your claim denied. To avoid these possible scenarios, it is vital that you work with an experienced FERS disability compensation attorney. Please give us a call NOW at 312-444-0214 wherever you are in the country so we can assess your claim and advise further. Thanks for choosing McCready Law, and we look forward to helping you.