COVID Workplace Discrimination – Do You Have Legal Rights?

Workplace discrimination is illegal due to the rights of every citizen in the country protecting them against any form of discrimination on account of our inherent civil rights. However, things took a swift turn when the coronavirus pandemic was announced and employers flouted all rules in an effort to stem business losses. Workplace discrimination is a punishable offense under civil law, and can attract a coronavirus employment lawsuit depending on the circumstances. A pandemic should not be a valid reason or excuse to trample all over an individual’s rights which are protected by the constitution.
Are you looking for a work discrimination during coronavirus attorney? At McCready Law, we believe in protecting the rights of all workers at all times. We have a veritable team of coronavirus employment discrimination attorneys ready to serve you wherever you are in the country. Our 75 years handling thousands of workers’ compensation and other lawsuits is a testament to our excellence, and our motto of “We don’t just say we get results, we prove it” speaks for itself. If you’d like to speak with a coronavirus attorney, please give us a call NOW at (773) 825-3651 to learn more about your legal options for compensation. The call is 100% FREE, and there’s no legal obligation on your part.
Here are some of the examples of coronavirus work discrimination cases:
- Being discriminated against due to one’s age, with your employer implying that you may be a high risk individual to contract coronavirus, and possibly spread it to your coworkers. Age discriminated is strictly prohibited under our country’s civil rights laws
- Being discriminated against due to your nationality due to the perceived ease with which your employer can terminate your employment contract due to fears of you becoming a financial liability should you seek relocation back to your home country at any time during the pandemic.
- Being discriminated against due to a disability, and the consequent actions of your employer refusing to provide reasonable accommodations to cater to your disability
- Refusing to hire or onboard individuals from specific countries or ethnicities due to their perceived high risk with regard to contracting coronavirus.
Best Coronavirus Workplace Discrimination Attorneys – Call Now!
It is important to understand that even with the passing of coronavirus legislation that makes employers somewhat immune to litigation, overt instances of workplace discrimination should never be tolerated nor accepted. If you believe you were discriminated against or retaliated against by your employer, causing you to lose work, be demoted, have your hours slashed, or sent off on unpaid leave, you may be able to file a legal claim. Please contact our coronavirus work discrimination attorneys NOW at (773) 825-3651 to learn more about your legal options. We look forward to hearing from you.