Crock Pot and Slow Cooker Injuries – Can I Sue?

Crock pots and slow cookers are an American staple due to the convenience they bring in the kitchen. These are used to make one pot meals that you can set and forget, and are thus ideal for busy moms with lots of mouths to feed. Over the last couple of years, there have been recalls of crock pots and consumers due to a number of safety issues that we believe as an Indiana product liability law firm is unacceptable due to the danger these products pose to innocent Americans.
Have you been injured by a crock pot or slow cooker? You may be eligible for money damages. Please give us a call today on 877-561-3004 for your free and confidential consultation.
Complicated Appliances
Crock pots and slow cookers are complicated appliances; they usually feature intricate circuitry to accommodate the electronic dashboards as well as heating elements, and they need to be manufactured with utmost care. Handles that were made with poor quality material can break, causing these heavy appliances to crash to the floor, throwing shards of glass and hot liquid and food everywhere.
Steam Burns from Crock Pots
At the same time, crock pots and slow cookers usually produce an inordinate amount of steam which can cause blisters to standers-by. This means that the steam expelling mechanism needs to be fashioned in such as way that it is not in contact with the cook’s or any other person’s eyes or body. If there is a product defect, it is possible for these products to unleash hot steam unexpectedly and with great force, leading to serious burns.
Here are some of the most common crock pot and slow cooker injuries:
- Scalds and blisters from hot liquids
- Serious burns from an exploding appliance
- Electrocution
- Internal injuries should glass shards fall into the food
- Nerve damage
- Eye injuries due to flying glass
- Legal Help for Crock Pot Injuries
Crock pot injuries are on the rise as manufacturers try to outdo each other and cut corners in order to satisfy demand and corner the market. As a consumer, you are protected by the law in the event you get injured by one of these appliances by way of a product liability claim. If you were injured by a defective slow rice cooker or a crock pot, please call us today on (773) 673-9861 so we can advise you further for free on the next legal steps to take. Thanks for choosing us.