
Decatur, Illinois Injury Lawyers – 75 Years of Legal Excellence

The industrial-agricultural town of Decatur, situated in Macon County, Illinois, is the largest city in this county. Currently boasting a population of over 72,000 inhabitants, Decatur is a family-oriented big city with the heart and charm that is only found in small towns. A hub for numerous manufacturing industries as well as numerous large farms and a thriving arts and culture scene makes Decatur one of the best places to raise a family.  The city’s motto, “Decatur, we like it here” is a sparkling testament to the pleasant and cozy nature of the city which boasts affordable real estate as well as a beautiful setting, with the city set along the banks of stunning lake Decatur, Illinois.

Are you looking for a best personal injury attorney in Decatur? If you’ve been injured and are looking for stellar representation by Decatur lawyers that handle personal injury claims, you’ve come to the right place. Please give us a call NOW at (773) 322-1673 to speak with one of our Decatur injury lawyers to find out more about your legal options for compensation. McCready Law has attorneys with combined experience spanning over 70 years, and we’d love to help you with your personal injury claim in Decatur Illinois, whether it’s an auto accident, product liability from unsafe product, class action lawsuit, or wrongful death. For your 100% FREE legal consultation, please give us a call at (773) 322-1673 TODAY to speak with a Decatur Illinois lawyer confidentially.

Here are some of the cases our personal injury attorneys in Decatur Illinois handle:

  • Car accident claims in Decatur Illinois
  • Decatur Illinois medical malpractice claims
  • Wrongful death lawyers in Decatur Illinois
  • Child sexual abuse attorneys in Illinois
  • Slip and fall lawsuits in Decatur, Illinois
  • Birth injury lawyers in Illinois
  • Employment lawyers in Decatur, Illinois

Do I Have a Legal Claim? Decatur Illinois Personal Injury Law

It is important to understand that every claim that comes to us must undergo certain stages before it is considered valid and compensable. Just because you suffered an injury doesn’t mean that you have an Illinois injury claim.  For starters, it is important that you have what’s called duty of care between you and the defendant. This could be in the form of a business owner and customer, a doctor and their patient, a landlord and tenant, and so on. This duty of care is vital in all personal injury lawsuits in Decatur, Illinois because it will open the doors up for compensation if the negligent actions of another party caused your injuries. Once here, we will quantify your injuries in the form of legal damages and add them up so we can send a demand letter to their legal representatives or the insurance company.

Attorneys for the Injured in Decatur, Illinois – Call Us Today!

It is very important that while looking for a personal injury lawyer in Decatur, Illinois, that you do not speak with the insurance company. This is because anything you say to them may very well be recorded, and the leading questions may be used to prove that you admitted partial or full fault with regard to the negligent actions that led to your injuries. Please give us a call FIRST before speaking with anyone at (773) 322-1673 and we’ll safeguard your rights for compensation. Thanks, and we look forward to speaking with you.