Defamation of Character Attorneys – What are My Legal Options?

Humans are social animals, and as such, we’re bound to engage in harmless gossip about people we know or don’t know. That said, gossip, more often than not, isn’t real, or it is dressed up in exaggerations in order to make you have a certain view of the individual being talked about. False information about others is called slander, and it can exact a world of hurt and harm depending on the information and who it is intended to hurt. Defamation, libel and slander are all considered as a form of personal injury in some states, and it is possible to file a defamation and slander lawsuit to recover money damages from the source that is the origin of the slander or defamation.
Are you looking for a defamation or slander attorney? We empathize with you during this difficult time, and we’d like to ask that you not let others ruin your reputation due to whatever nefarious reasons they hold, but not to confront them before speaking with us at (773) 823-0298. The attorneys are McCready Law have over 90 years of legal experience that we’d love to put to work for you to not only stop the slander, but to also clear your name and subsequently, reputation. Please contact us NOW at (773) 823-0298 to learn more about your legal options for compensation. The call is 100% FREE, and there’s no obligation.
Defamation, Defined
Legally defined, defamation is an untrue statement regarding an individual which negatively affects their reputation. Defamation can be categorized into two: slander and libel. Slander is spoken defamation, while libel is when someone takes the time out to write false statements about another individual. Libel has a larger reach thanks to print media and the internet, therefore, it is taken very seriously due to its massive reach and its ability to destroy an individual’s reputation many times over within a short amount of time. A great example here would be an opinion piece in the newspaper taking shots at a legislator, calling them corrupt.
In order to be successful at filing a defamation lawsuit, the following must be present:
Defamatory Statement of Fact
This refers to a specific false statement which harms your reputation, diminishes confidence, respect, esteem and good will to which you are held by community members. It is important to note that this statement cannot be true if you’re ever going to be successful at your suit.
Defendant Culpably Publishes Statement
You must show that a specific defendant negligently, intentionally or recklessly published information about you or your business to a third person who had a clear understanding of it. You may not be able to file a defamation lawsuit if the defendant only communicated the statement to you and no-one else.
Fault as to Falsify
This is perhaps the one element that stands between most plaintiff getting justice for a defamation lawsuit due to the different standards of proof for different legal instances. For example, if you’re a public official or figure and the issue is in the public domain, you must prove that the defendant had actual malice when disseminating the information and that they knew the statement was false, had reckless disregard for the truth and acted out of said malice to destroy your reputation. If on the other hand, you’re a private individual but the issue is a public concern, you have nothing to prove except the negligence as regard to the falsity of the statement.
Experienced Slander and Defamation Attorneys – Call Us Today!
Did someone slander or defame your name or reputation? We’d love to help you get the justice and compensation you deserve. Please contact us NOW at (773) 823-0298 to speak with our best slander and defamation injury attorneys. We’ll talk about the damages you can recover, as well as how to get started on your claim, immediately. The call is FREE, and we take on all cases on a contingency fee basis. Thanks, and we look forward to hearing from you.