Distracted Driving – Legal Help For Injured Individuals

A recent news item that came out this week showed the extent to which many Americans would put their loved ones at risk on the road by using their cell phones while driving. While these gadgets have become ingrained in our daily lives and are indispensable when it comes to prompt communication, they pose a real threat to your safety and must be put away while you’re driving. Distracted driving is the second largest cause of driver and passenger fatalities, deaths which could have easily been prevented had the parties involved stopped using their phones while driving.
Are you looking for a distracted driving attorney? Please call 1 (773) 825-3547 for your free and friendly consultation regarding the value and viability of your claim. If you were injured in a car accident due to another driver’s negligence via distracted driving, you may be able to collect compensation to help you take care of your medical bills, lost wages and rehabilitation costs. Call 1 (773) 825-3547 – the consultation is free, and we have over 2 decades of experience helping individuals recover compensation after an car crash.
Distracted Driving Laws
Many states have laws that forbid drivers from using any hand-held gadgets while driving. In some cases, you may be able to use hands-free Bluetooth add-ons. That being said, it is always a good idea to pull over if you can to take a call, or have an auto-answering service asking individuals to call you back later. Drivers under the age of 19 are not allowed to use a cell phone regardless of the urgency or reason, and these devices are not to be used at school zones while behind the wheel. Lastly, you are not allowed to use cell phones while in or around construction zones.
Should you get stopped over for cell phone use, here are some of the consequences you may face:
- A $75 fine, or $150 for repeat offenders
- Revocation of driving rights
- Imprisonment should a crash occur
- A prison term of no less than 3 years should the crash result in a fatality.
Distracted Driving Statistics in 2018
A disturbing 69 percent of U.S. drivers have admitted to using their phone to carry out voice conversations while driving, and another 31 percent have copped up to texting or emailing while behind wheel. It is estimated that over 300,000 people sustain injuries as a result of these behaviors, and 6,000 people lose their lives due to distracted driving brought on by cell phone use.
Distracted Driving Technology To Help Keep You Safe
Technology can help enforce distracted driving laws to help keep our roads safe. For instance, there are certain apps that prevent Android and iPhone users from texting which you can find here. In addition, you can opt to install certain devices which require the insertion of a phone into said device before the car can start. Lastly, new law enforcement technology will make it possible for policemen to scan the highways much like how a radar gun is used in order to detect cell phone frequencies inside a moving car so distracted drivers can be apprehended and pulled over.
Distracted Driving Lawyers – Call Now!
Remember: no phone call or text is worth your life, and whomever the call is from, it can wait. If you’ve been hurt by a distracted driver, call our distracted driving lawyers TODAY at 1 (773) 825-3547 to learn more about how we can help you get compensated for your injuries. Thanks, and we look forward to hearing from you.