
Do I Qualify for a Schedule Award ? Injured Federal Postal Worker

Most, if not all injured federal workers are new to federal workers’ compensation at the time of their injury. As a result, your initial research is going to pull up information that will look and sound like Greek. Injured postal federal workers usually have to contend with serious, and sometimes catastrophic injuries which can include things like dog bites and attacks, a back injury due to carrying large boxes for an extended amount of time, or tripping over a poorly maintained walkway on their way to delivering a package, resulting in head, arm or leg injuries.

Are you looking for a federal postal workers’ compensation lawyer? Call us NOW on 1-855-233-3002 for timely help regarding your case. Let us put our experience and our resources to work for you. These cases are time-sensitive and untimely reporting and filing can lessen or obliterate your chances of receiving financial compensation. Call 1-855-233-3002 NOW for your free legal consultation.

In order to qualify for a schedule award as an injured postal worker:

  • You must have suffered a permanent injury
  • The injury must have occurred in the line of duty
  • The body part must be covered under an OWCP-furnished chart
  • You need to have reached a state called permanent medical improvement
  • There must be definitive and objective medical evidence detailing the permanent injury
  • You must either be pensionable or currently working
  • You must not be a recipient of disability payments

Is It Too Late to Apply for a Schedule Award? Injured Federal Worker

It’s very possible to not know about a schedule award for months, or even years. Many injured federal workers working for the postal service are usually surprised that OWCP provides this form of compensation, and often wonder whether it is too late to get started. The good news about this form of federal compensation is that you can always get started at any time.

Need Legal Help? Call NOW!

In order to get started, you’ll be required to fill in form CA-7 which will have an appropriate impairment rating by an OWCP-literate doctor. If you need help figuring the forms out and how to handle the whole process from start to finish, we can help. Call us today on 1-855-233-3002 for your free legal consultation into all things injured federal postal workers’ compensation.