
Do This To Ace Your OWCP Reconsideration in 2020

If OWCP denies your claim for compensation, it’s not the end of the world, nor is your journey towards compensation over. The government set in place an appeals process known as OWCP reconsideration which makes it possible for you to file an appeal in order for your case to be looked over once again with you presenting a compelling argument in front of the OWCP board which may help you get compensated if it checks out.

Were you denied compensation as an injured federal worker and are now thinking of commencing the OWCP reconsideration process? If you believe that you were unfairly treated by OWCP and would like a fresh pair of legal eyes to look over your case so you can qualify the second time round, call us at 1-855-233-3002. Thanks to our many decades of experience handling these cases, we’ll alleviate the stress and anxiety the average injured postal worker feels by combing through your application so we can single out what it is exactly that made OWCP deny your claim for compensation as an injured federal worker. Please, call us NOW at 1-855-233-3002 to receive FREE legal information on OWCP reconsideration from one of our friendly, best federal workers’ compensation attorneys.

OWCP Appeals Process – What Is Available To You

First of all, we would like to stress that receiving a denial is not the end of the line with regard to your compensation as an injured federal worker. This is just a bump in the road, and you still have inalienable rights as a federal worker.  Appealing the decision for OWCP deciding to deny you your compensation as a legitimate injured federal worker can take on a number of forms: you may ask that you be provided with the record of determination documentation so your best OWCP attorney can take a look at it and chart a way forward. Second, you may ask that you be granted an oral hearing with officials from OWCP, or third, ask that they reconsider their decision. Obviously, any of these steps should not be done independently; asking for help from an experienced injured federal worker advocate will be the way to go so you don’t get shot down a second time due to a minor thing in your medical report that can be fixed via a doctor’s visit or two.

How Long for OWCP Reconsideration? The Countdown Starts NOW

Please be advised that your right to appeal an OWCP denial starts from when your denial letter is sent out; this means that you’ll be working under a tight deadline to get everything done right. Legal research takes time, the collating of new evidence takes time, and the appeals process, the docketing, submitting of documents and possible travel takes time. This is why we’d advise you not to try doing this on your own – let our team of experienced ECAB decisions attorneys take over your case and help expedite things for you. If you’d like more information on how we can help with your OWCP reconsideration letter, decision, and more, please contact us and speak to us for FREE at 1-855-233-3002 . Thanks, and we look forward to hearing from you.