Dog Bite Myths and Compensation Advice for Victims

There are millions of dogs across America, and the dog has come out as a winner when it comes to America’s most loved pet. People keep pets for a variety of reasons, and dog owners often cite companionship, security as well as an aid to an active lifestyle as some of the most common reasons. While dogs can be fun and help families and friends bond, they still possess wild animal instincts and as such, can be aggressive and cause injury by way of dog bites.
Different dog breeds have different dispositions or personalities, but the fact remains that even the smallest dogs can inflict a massive amount of pain and injury when confronted or uncontained. Dog owners are encouraged, and in some states, mandated to keep their dogs on a leash for the safety of the public. In addition, dog laws and premises liability laws often intersect whereby should you get bitten within an individual’s property as an invitee either due to your being there on a social call or in order to do business such as in the case of a postal worker delivering a package, you may be entitled to significant compensation for your injuries. It is important to note that dog bite cases across America are highly contentious, and to this end, must be represented by a robust legal team to ensure you evade any potential pitfalls that may prevent you from seeking justice and compensation, and we’re here to help with that.
Are you looking for the best dog bite attorney? Please call us NOW at 312-444-0214 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. The experienced dog bite lawyers at McCready Law bring to the table over 50 years of stellar legal experience where we’ve assisted thousands of Americans from all walks of life get compensated after suffering an injury caused by another negligent party. The McCready Law difference lies in our commitment to seeking full compensation for our clients through litigating cases that have merit to the fullest extent of the law. The fact is that over 90 percent of all cases are settled before they even get to court, but this presents a disadvantage in individuals that may have suffered life-changing injuries such as being mauled by an aggressive dog and suffering severe and extensive facial, arm and leg injuries which would necessitate years of treatment and surgery.
Because of the severity of some of these injuries, it only makes sense to litigate them particularly when the insurance company is not amenable to favorable negotiations. Litigation provides you the opportunity to recover the maximum compensation allowed by law, which in most cases can be hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars depending on the damages you’re seeking. McCready Law has a proud tradition of winning tough cases at trial, and it would be an honor to represent you on the same. We run a bilingual firm (hablamos Espanol), we accept cases nationwide and work closely with our trusted referral network to get you the best possible legal outcome. Dog bit cases are also taken up on contingency fee basis, and what this means is that there are zero fees levied during the processing of your claim as we only levy fees at the end of the suit, and only if we’ve won your case for you. For your 100% FREE legal consultation into all things dog bite injury lawsuits, please give us a call NOW at 312-444-0214 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation – our intake team is standing by.
Dog Bite Myths
Here are some of the most common myths surrounding dogs and dog bites:
Only Aggressive Dog Breeds Bite
Many individuals are of the mistaken opinion that only aggressive breeds such as Dobermans, Pit Bulls and Rottweilers bite because of either their size or aggressive stance. This has consequently led to the passing of legislation that can be seen as discriminatory against these breeds and the lack of legislation against all dogs due to their canine ancestry. The reality is that a dog’s likelihood to bite lies in its socialization, individual temperament or characteristics as well as the environment in which it was raised. Dogs in general will bite when they feel scared, provoked or threatened. Therefore, instead of pitting all large dogs together as being naturally prone to bite and attack individuals, the focus instead should be on proper dog training, socialization and responsible dog ownership.
A Wagging Tail Means a Happy Dog
We’ve been socialized to believe that a wagging tail, especially on TV and in movies, means that a dog is happy to see you and is possibly excited. This couldn’t be further from the truth as animal behavioralists have shown that a wagging tail usually means that a dog is either anxious, fearful or even aggressive depending on its body language. For example, if the dog adopts a stiff posture and has raised fur while its tail is wagging at a high speed, the dog could potentially be agitated and not friendly. The context surrounding a particular behavior is important, so it is vital that you don’t interpret all instances of tail-wagging as an invitation to pet or play with the dog as doing so may only open you up to aggression and potential injury via a dog bite.
Victims Must Prove that the Dog Was Dangerous in Order to Win a Case
Another common misconception we encounter when we deal with clients who have been bitten is the mistaken opinion that they have to prove the dog was dangerous in order to successfully recover damages. However, the reality is that most states follow what’s called a “one-bite rule” which means that the owner could be legally responsible for your injuries if they knew or should have known that their dog could be aggressive. Even in states that don’t have a one-bite rule, the legal concept of negligence usually picks up and one can argue that the dog owner failed to properly secure their dog on a leash or via a gate on their property, or ignored warning signs of aggression leading to your dog bite and consequent injury. In such cases, it can be argued that the dog owner simply did not take reasonable or necessary precautions to prevent an aggressive situation from turning into an injurious one.
Best Countrywide Dog Bite Attorneys – Call Us Today!
If you were bitten by a dog, you may be eligible for compensation if you act in a timely manner. For starters, you MUST go to the ER and get an updated rabies shot as this disease, transmitted via a dog’s saliva, can become fatal in just 48 hours. Ensure to document everything – take photos and videos of the bite, and keep all treatment receipts and documentation as this will help bolster your claim. In such claims, you can recover a host of damages such as the cost of medical care, pain and suffering from the emotional distress and the chronic pain of the bite itself, loss of enjoyment of life, surgeries to repair any lost tissue or disfigurement you might have faced and so on. Before speaking to the insurance company or any other entity, please give us a call NOW at 312-444-0214 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. Remember, the call is 100% FREE, and there is no legal obligation. Thanks for choosing McCready Law, and we look forward to helping you.