Employer Liability and Chicago Car Accidents

Many people assume, and rightfully so, that if someone else caused their car accident, they would have to pay for and be responsible for your injuries and the related costs. While this seems like an open and shut case, certain aspects of the case may not make it as straightforward as a lot of us would like to believe. In the case of an employee driving a car who then causes an accident, would their employer also be responsible for your injuries?
Are you looking for a car accident attorney in Chicago? Call our best car accident attorneys in Chicago NOW at 1 (773) 825-3547 for more information on your legal options for compensation. We have more than 70 years of combined experience helping injured people from all walks of life, and we’ve recovered millions in compensation. The call is free, and you’re not obligated to have us take on your case. Call 1 (773) 825-3547 NOW to speak with a friendly car accident lawyer in Chicago to find out more about the true value of your case.
Employer Negligence – Chicago Personal Injury
In order to determine if an employer is liable for an employee’s actions after a car accident, we have to take into account a few legal requirements. The first one is whether there was an element of negligence on the employer’s part which could have directly led to the accident. Employer negligence can mean or point to a number of things, such as the negligent supervision or hiring of an employee. Employers are required by law to hire someone sufficiently qualified as well as someone with a clean record given the high risk nature of the transportation business. Truck accidents on our highways almost always lead to fatalities, meaning that the hiring process must be so stringent so as to eliminate this risk. Proper hiring may mean checking whether the driver is licensed to operate certain vehicle classes, whether or not they have had DUI’s, and checking to see if they have been complying with state and company regulations and protocols.
Negligent Supervision – Personal Injury
Negligent supervision leading to a Chicago car accident may make an employer liable for your Chicago car crash. Employers must always ensure safety protocols are in place and followed by all workers at all times. In addition, they must check and chart driver logs to take note of any anomalies and eliminate them to ensure the safety of other road users. Drivers ought to exercise a reasonable duty of care all the while complying with local regulations, and they are required to be under the watchful eye of their employer by way of a supervisor or manager.
Best Chicago Truck Accident Attorneys – Call Us Now!
Have more questions about employer liability in Chicago personal injury lawsuits? Please give us a call at 1 (773) 825-3547 and we’ll answer all your calls and let you know whether you have a valid claim as well as its value. Thanks, and we look forward to hearing from you.