
Experienced Attorneys for Common 4th of July Injuries

4th of July celebrations are just around the corner, and with the numerous activities planned around them, the potential for injuries occurring will be at an all-time high. Whether you decide to plan and have a family barbecue in your backyard, spend it by the pool, go to an amusement park, or leave the city for a few days out in nature and the mountains, care must be taken so you and your loved ones  remain safe. However, just because you take the necessary steps to ensure the safety of you and your loved ones doesn’t mean others will do their part. To this end, 4th of July injuries that occur due to someone else’s negligence are compensable under personal injury law.

Are you looking for a holiday injuries attorney? If you or a loved one suffered injuries this or any other 4th of July, we can help. McCready Law has for over more than three decades helped injured holiday goers seek compensation for the negligent actions of others. Accidents are more often than not attributable to human negligence: break the cycle and have repeat negligent individuals answer to the law by filing a holiday injury lawsuit with our firm: call us at 1 (773) 825-3547 NOW to speak for FREE with one of our best injury lawyers in Illinois to learn more about your legal options for compensation.

Fireworks Injuries Lawsuits

Fireworks injuries are perhaps the most common types of injuries during Independence Day. According to USCPSC, a consumer product safety advocacy group, most fireworks-related injuries are due to burns, and over 70 percent of all victims are male. The fireworks blamed for most injuries are usually sparklers, firecrackers, Roman candles and bottle rockets. Over 10,000 fires will be caused by fireworks this and any other 4th of July holiday celebrations, and individuals from 15 to 25 will be the most affected with regard to injuries. Fireworks-related injuries are usually caused by improper and negligent lighting of fireworks, stores selling defective fireworks, lack of adult supervision when lighting fireworks, attempting to relight failed fireworks, and the lack of fire extinguishers and other fire safety resources when lighting fireworks

Heat-Related Injuries During 4th of July Celebrations

Soaring summer temperatures mean that children and adults alike need to monitor the weather closely and take appropriate measures to not be in direct sunlight when temperatures go over a set value when it comes to degrees. Given the fact that abundant alcohol intake is associated with this holiday, and kids spend time crowded together in backyards or set locations, it is easy for adults to forget to ensure that everyone stays hydrated. Dizziness, not sweating, rapid breathing and heartbeat, headache, nausea and fainting are all signs of an oncoming heatstroke. Heatstroke during hot summer holidays is treated by taking an affected person to an airy and shaded space and calling emergency medical services immediately. As you wait, spray some cool water or place a wet towel over them so their internal temperature drops gradually. If possible, give them some water or non-caffeinated, nonalcoholic drink.

Car Accidents During 4th of July Holiday

Given the number of people on the road trying to get away from the suburbs and cities, our roads will be busy and with this comes the potential for accidents across the state and country. Some drivers will try to tempt fate by driving while intoxicated or distracted, thereby causing catastrophic injuries. It is important that you drive both purposefully and defensively during the Independence Day weekend, use your seatbelt at all times, turn off or disable your phone while driving, and have a designated car driver if you have plans to drink any alcoholic beverages.

Distracted driving is perhaps the cause of the majority of accidents on our roads today, so let your teens and their friends know that it is important to pay full attention to the road while driving and not use their phones for the duration of time they are behind the wheel. If you’ve been caught in an accident during the 4th of July, make sure to take the other driver’s insurance information, contact a distracted driving attorney at our firm at 1 (773) 825-3547, take photos of the scene if possible, refrain from talking to any insurance company representatives before speaking with us, and take down any witness names and numbers: all these details will help build a strong case backed up by solid evidence.

Holiday Injuries Attorneys – Call Us Now!

Are you looking to find out if you have a holiday injuries lawsuit? Simply call us at 1 (773) 825-3547 NOW to receive your FREE GIFT of a complimentary legal consultation with one of our friendly and experienced attorneys. Thanks, and we look forward to hearing from you.