Experienced Attorneys for Meat Packing Worker Injuries – File Here

Individuals working in meat packing know how dangerous their jobs are, on account of the sharp and automated tools that they use on a daily basis. Before workers are signed on to the job, they are provided with sufficient training which typically has a focus on worker safety. Due to the fact that these machines are automated, there may not be a way to turn them off in a timely manner should a workers’ hand get caught in them, resulting in some form of severe and even disabling injury. Meat packers are required to wear the appropriate gear as mandated by government work safety agency OSHA as well as report any unsafe work environments to the same. Meat packing workers often get a false sense of security due to their having workers’ compensation, which may not entirely protect them in the event that they get injured on account of the paltry and limited payouts that are available for injured workers. If you are an injured meat packing worker and are dissatisfied with your union or the proposed workers’ compensation benefits, it may be time to get an attorney who will help you get compensated in line with your injuries, and we’re here to help with that.
Are you looking for a law firm that seeks justice for injured meat packing workers? Please call our meat packing injury attorneys NOW at (773) 906-4833 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. What makes us unique is the personal commitment we provide to every client and case, and this is seen by the fact that we handle all claims as attorneys, and don’t shunt them over to paralegals. We also believe in letting the client know about the progress of their case as it unfolds, and we have a bilingual staff (hablamos Espanol). McCready Law also prides itself in having extensive litigation experience, which is vital when it comes to getting clients maximum compensation, and something that most injury law firms do not have given the fact that the majority of cases are settled on the insurance company negotiations level. Lastly, we take on all cases on contingency fee basis, which means that we don’t charge A CENT when we take on cases, as fees are levied at THE END of the case and only after we’ve recovered compensation on your behalf. Wherever you are in the country, please call us NOW at (773) 906-4833 to learn more – the call is ABSOLUTELY FREE.
Here are some of the common injuries faced by meat packers
- Burns due to machine cutting equipment getting so hot over time on account of them working for hours on end without being turned off. The heat can transfer to a person’s hands upon contact, causing blisters and even scars.
- Repetitive motion injury due to performing the same hand movements over and over for eight or more hours a day, without taking mandated breaks. This can lead to things like carpal tunnel, torn tendons and ligaments, and inflamed nerves.
- Crush injuries and amputations are common injuries in meat packing factories, usually caused by instrument malfunction or worker fatigue, which causes them to make mistakes they would never have made had they taken frequent work breaks.
Experienced Meat Packing Worker Injury Attorneys – Call Us Now!
If you’re an injured meat packing worker, don’t expect your union or employer to do the right thing – it is not in their best interests to pay you a fair amount of compensation for your injuries as this would disrupt their profit model. To this end, it is important that you reach out to us, your meat packing worker injury lawyers at (773) 906-4833 to learn more about how to secure maximum compensation for your injuries. Thanks, and we look forward to helping you.