Experienced Cruise Ship FlowRider Injury Attorneys – File Your Claim Here

Cruise ships are always looking to outdo each other, providing entertainment and sporting options to keep individuals busy and entertained until the ship gets to the next point of call. The Flowrider is a form of surfing simulator which features mechanized waves traveling at 40 mph. this allows an individual to surf these waves as if they were on the ocean, riding a real wave. The flowrider experience can be exhilarating, and with friends and family cheering you on, it is easy for individuals to have a false sense of confidence and throw caution to the wind, ending up in them injuring themselves, sometimes catastrophically. Even thought cruise ships ask you to sign a waiver form that is supposed to absolve them from all legal liability should you get injured while on a flowrider, this doesn’t get them off the hook if there was an element of unreasonable negligence. If you got hurt on a flowrider, you need top-notch legal representation in order for you to recover money damages as well as seek out closure after your traumatic injuries, and we’re here to help you with that.
Are you looking for a best cruise ship injuries attorney? The experienced cruise ship lawyers at McCready Law have over 90 YEARS of legal experience helping individuals just like you get the justice and compensation they deserve. Please call us NOW at (773) 362-2747 to learn more about your legal options. What makes our maritime lawyers and firm different is the fact that not only are we bilingual (hablamos Espanol), but we also personally handle all lawsuits, and don’t dump them onto paralegals, which is what many law firms do. In addition, should we feel as if the insurance settlement offer doesn’t match the extent of your injuries, we won’t be afraid to litigate, unlike most law firms, which settle for low amounts that the insurance company proposes. In addition, we take on all cases on contingency fee basis, which means that there are ABSOLUTELY NO UPFRONT FEES when we take on your claim, which will get worked on to successful completion and compensation recovery before we levy our fees. Regardless of where you are in the country, we can help: simply call us NOW at (773) 362-2747 to learn more about how we can get you compensated for your cruise ship injury claim.
Some of the most common injuries associated with flowriders include:
- Sprains
- Broken bones
- Traumatic brain injury
- Concussions
- Near drowning
Experienced Cruise Ship FlowRider Injury Attorneys – Call Us Now!
It is important to note that individuals assigned to ensure the safety of riders are required to have some form of official training in basic first aid and other pertinent certifications. In addition, these instructors are required to provide you with basic safety instructions before letting you jump on the skateboard. In addition, there have been many instances of injured people not getting the proper medical care after being hurt while surfing on the flowrider, as well as equipment malfunctions which caused the injury. You are owed a certain duty of care by the cruise ship that will ensure your safety. As with all injury claims, the evidence will carry the day. We’ll need to collect video surveillance evidence, inspection logs, witness statements and even worker logs in order to create a compelling case. The time to act is NOW in order to protect the integrity of your cruise ship injury lawsuit: call us NOW at (773) 362-2747 to learn more. Thanks, and we look forward to helping you.