Experienced Kohl’s Store Injury Lawyers – Call To File Your Claim Today

If you’re looking for clothing or gifts for just about anyone in the family, then Kohl’s is the place to be. With over 1,000 stores in the country, this department store chain is said to be the largest in America. With unbeatable prices, clearance sales every other week, and financing options, Kohl’s has everything you could ever want when it comes to home, style and fashion. Because of its popularity, Kohl’s stores are usually filled to the brim with customers looking to snag a great deal. Because of this, opportunities for injury appear, and it’s not long before someone gets hurt at Kohl’s store. The law is very clear when it comes to the safety and welfare of all customers visiting a commercial establishment for the purposes of carrying out business – if you get injured at a Kohl’s store, someone must have not been doing what they were meant to be doing, as you are owed a duty of care under premises liability law by the owner of any business to keep you safe by not only ensuring that their premises are free of hazards, but that you are well-informed about any hazards which may cause you injury in a reasonably timely manner. If you were injured at Kohl’s store, you may be able to recover compensation for a number of things, and we’re here to help with that.
Are you looking for a best Kohl’s injury attorney? Please call us NOW at (773) 906-4833 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. The experienced department store injury lawyers at McCready Law serve a countrywide clientele, and we have over 90 YEARS of combined legal experience helping individuals just like you get compensated after getting hurt due to the negligence of other careless individuals or large corporations. What makes McCready Law different is the fact that we have extensive experience litigating claims and we’ve won over 70 such cases. What this means is that we will get you maximum compensation that will cover all your damages, unlike most law firms who usually engage in insurance company negotiations which usually pay out low amounts. In addition to having a bilingual staff (hablamos Espanol), we also take on cases on contingency fee basis, which means that there are NO UPFRONT FEES whatsoever during any point in the processing of your case. Regardless of where you currently are in the country, call us NOW at (773) 906-4833 to learn more about how we can help – the call is 100% FREE!
Here are some of the ways in which you may get injured at a Kohl’s department store:
- You may have improperly stacked merchandize come falling down on you as you walk past it on an aisle, causing you head and back injuries.
- You may trip and fall on improperly secured carpeting or old and worn out tile that needs to be replaced
- You may get attacked at a dark corner of the store or outside the store due to inadequate security
- You may slip and fall on water puddles negligently left behind by the cleaning crew
- You may fall at the restrooms due to lack of proper lighting
Experienced Countrywide Kohl’s Injury Attorneys – Call Us NOW!
It is important that you seek medical treatment immediately after your injury. This is because this will legitimize your claim and also determine your payout as the insurance company or Judge and jury will use this evidence to justify the verdict amount paid out to you. Please do not speak with ANYONE before you speak to us, and do not sign anything until we take a look at it. Need more help? Simply call us NOW at (773) 906-4833 to learn more about how to get started on your claim. Thanks, and we look forward to helping you.