
Experienced Lawyers for Drug and Alcohol Rehab Malpractice

Drug or alcohol addiction affects millions of Americans who struggle to live a normal, wholesome life without the specter of addiction looming large. As a result, rehab centers provide an invaluable service to these individuals to help them get and stay sober and clean. Rehab facilities around the country are governed by different regulations from one state to the next, and it is because of this lack of uniformity with regard to regulations that some facilities take advantage of the system by not only providing substandard care, but also creating an environment where addicted individuals are more likely to relapse, harm themselves or harm others. Rehab centers are very visible in the news media, and the image they paint of serene, tropical locations may be smoke and mirrors given the shocking numbers of relapses as well as exposes on the fraudulent as well as negligent activities going on in these facilities. If you or a loved one suffered injuries at a drug and alcohol rehab facility, you have every right to file a legal claim to recover money damages in order to make your life whole again.

Are you looking for a drug and alcohol rehab facility lawsuit attorney? The experienced rehab malpractice lawyers at McCready Law have over 90 YEARS of experience helping individuals just like you get the justice and compensation they deserve. Please give us a call NOW at (773) 825-3651 to learn more about your legal options for compensation. We work on contingency fee basis, and what this simply means is that we don’t charge you a CENT until we recover compensation on your behalf. If you feel like you were mistreated, provided with substandard care, or that the rehab center you were checked into acted in ways that can be construed to be negligent, we’d love to help. Please give us a call NOW at (773) 825-3651 to speak with one of our drug rehab facility negligence lawyers to learn more about the next legal steps to take to recover compensation. Serving all rehab malpractice victims countrywide.

Here are some of the most common negligent acts in rehab centers:

  1. Giving the patient the wrong medication
  2. Providing the patient with incorrect medication
  3. Failing to notice signs of physical distress and ill health in a patient
  4. Sexual, emotional or physical assault of a patient
  5. Failure by staff to follow treatment protocol thereby putting patients at risk

Experienced Lawyers for Drug and Alcohol Center Malpractice

It is important to note in most states, the principle of vicarious liability exists. This legal principle means that a facility can be held responsible for the actions of its staff, even if the facility proper wasn’t negligent itself. Therefore, it is possible to recover substantial compensation for drug and alcohol rehab malpractice lawsuits when one goes after the resource-rich rehab center, and not its worker. In order to file a successful rehab malpractice suit, one must prove a number of things. Want to know what these are? Please give us a call NOW at (773) 825-3651 to learn more by speaking with one of our rehab malpractice lawsuit attorneys. Thanks for choosing us, and we look forward to helping you.