Experienced Paraquat Parkinson’s Class Action Lawyers – Call To File Today!

Every farmer knows the feeling of being able to successfully harvest a crop they planted many months ago, and then getting paid for their produce by processing plants. This couldn’t have been possible over a hundred years ago due to the fact that there was no technology or know-how that would allow farmers to control weeds and stop them from decimating entire fields. In the 1950s, chemists created chemicals that were shown to be selective when it comes to killing parasitic plants or weeds and leaving crops intact. The age of the herbicide completely revolutionalised farming, making it possible for them to grow acres upon acres of crops without having to worry about their hard work being destroyed by weeds. Scientists, in collaboration with the government first used herbicides on farms that were used to grow marijuana and other illicit crops used to make drugs in South America with astounding results in their war against drugs. The herbicide in question, Paraquat, was then adopted by commercial farmers, helping boost food production in the entire country, helping in turn build the economy. Paraquat was used for decades with no incidence, but it wasn’t until many decades later that it was discovered that Paraquat had neurotoxic effects and could potentially cause Parkinson’s.
Did you come into contact with the herbicide Paraquat as a farmer or a sprayer, and have you developed Parkinson’s? Please call us NOW at (773) 823-0298 to file your Paraquat lawsuit so you can get compensated. It is alleged that the makers of Paraquat knew about its ability to cause Parkinson’s many decades ago, but failed to let the public know because this would interfere with their profit model. As a result, thousands may have unknowingly and unnecessarily developed this irreversible neuropsychiatric condition due to the negligence of these companies. It is important to hold these companies accountable as doing so may halt the sale of Paraquat, potentially saving the brains and wellbeing of thousands of individuals just like you. While Parkison’s is irreversible, the compensation you will receive from filing a claim will go a long way in helping you provide care for you or a loved done, and even offering them the opportunity to hire at-home care or get admitted into an excellent care home. The experienced Paraquat class action lawsuit attorneys at McCready Law have extensive experience litigating claims and we’ve won over 70 such claims, with multimillion dollar verdicts for our clients. All cases are taken in on a contingency fee basis, which means that there are NO UPFRONT FEES whatsoever during any point in the processing of your claim. if you were diagnosed with Parkinson’s after exposure to Paraquat, call us NOW at (773) 823-0298 to learn more about your rights to compensation – the call is 100% FREE!
The following individuals are most at risk for developing Parkinson’s due to Paraquat
- Workers at vineyards
- Those that were contracted to spray Paraquat
- Individuals in farming communities
- People living in California which has the highest percentage of Paraquat use
- Paraquat mixers
- Those that washed, maintained and stored Paraquat mixing tanks
- Farmers
- Any suppliers that get their farming produce from California
How Does Paraquat Cause Parkinson’s?
Parkinson’s is a neuropsychiatric, degenerative condition that affects the dopamine neurons in the brain. Dopamine is responsible for movement, desire and motivation, and it also makes it possible for your brain to form and store memories. The compound Paraquat llatches on to dopamine receptors, slowly killing them over time and making it impossible for nerve signals and neurochemicals to pass from one receptor to the next. This happens gradually, and the destruction of dopamine neurons can start decades before one starts to show symptoms.
Here are some of the most common symptoms of Parkinson’s:
- Severe dizziness leading to fainting
- Loss of sense of smell
- Constipation
- Sleep cycle changes, either sleeping past a certain hour or not being able to fall asleep
- Anger and aggression of unknown origin
- Depression and anxiety that starts with no known cause
- Those with Parkinson’s may experience their handwriting getting smaller and smaller
- Gait problems and having issues standing upright
- Individuals with Parkinson’s are often seen with a blank stare symptomatic of catatonia
- Tremor in one’s hands
How is Parkinson’s Treated?
Parkinson’s is typically treated with dopamine agonists such as Levodopa, which attempt to increase dopamine levels in the brain, helping the patient regain their motivation and their ability to move unaided. Individuals with Parkinson’s, however, may need long-term care in order to live a somewhat normal life, as Levodopa can only help so much, and it has been associated with an increase in impulsive behavior and addiction.
The most common symptoms associated with Paraquat exposure and poisoning are:
- Confusion
- The development of seizures
- Fast heart rate
- General body weakness
- Blood in one’s stool as well as diarrhea
- Unexplained fatigue
- Dehydration and extreme thirst
Experienced Paraquat Parkinson’s Class Action Lawyers – Call Us NOW!
Parkinson’s caused by Paraquat isn’t an overnight phenomenon – those that develop it may have worked in farms or vineyards that sprayed Paraquat decades ago. Because the chemical never really leaves the body, the damage to dopamine neurons is gradual and insidious. If there are no incidences of hereditary Parkinson’s in you or your loved one’s family but you or they still developed Parkinson’s, you may be able to recover compensation. Our Paraquat poisoning lawsuit attorneys will work with you to create a compelling case replete with evidence so your case can be part of MDL or multidistrict litigation, which is a form of streamlined class action lawsuit. These cases may be heard individually according to their merit and the injuries or damages each plaintiff suffered. You may recover damages such as lost wages, the cost of medical treatment and care, both present and future, loss of consortium, pain and suffering, mental anguish and so much more. Please give us a call NOW at (773) 823-0298 and we’ll take you through the steps on how to get started on your claim. Thanks for choosing us, and we look forward to helping you.