
Experienced Plane Crash Attorneys – 90 Years of Experience

The Wright Brothers made something that once seemed like a dream come true when they invented an aircraft that was able to stay in the sky for an extended period of time. From then on, the aviation world evolved fast and with each passing year, created aircraft that could fly for longer, faster, and for great distances. Today, catching a flight can be likened to getting on an Uber for some people, especially busy executives that are always flying from one country or city to the next multiple times a month. That being said, aviation comes with its fair share of risks, and it’s not uncommon to see crashes that involve private and commercial jets in the news a couple of times a month.

Were you injured in a private or commercial plane crash? If you or a loved one was a victim of a plane crash and suffered substantial or catastrophic injuries that changed your life permanently, we can help. McCready Law has been helping thousands of people that were injured due to the negligence of another party for over 90 YEARS. We’ve also recovered over $30million in client settlements over the last 20 years, and we are passionate about what we do as well as diligent, giving each case the personalized attention it deserves. Please contact us NOW at (773) 825-8649 to learn more about your legal options for compensation. Remember, the call is 100% FREE, and there’s no legal obligation to have us take on your case.

Liability and Blame for Plane Crashes

When it comes to plane crashes and who pays, the blame or liability can be placed on one person or a group of individuals depending on the scope of the negligence as well as the contributing parts these individuals played in the occurrence of the crash. If it is determined that pilot error caused the crash, one can name the pilot in the suit, and if lack of proper and regular maintenance leading to mechanical failure was the proximate cause of the accident, the owner, operator and maintenance suppliers can all share in the liability of the aviation accident event.

Some of the leading causes of aviation accidents include:

  • Use of automation
  • Approach and landing mistakes
  • Human error
  • Pre-existing mechanical failure
  • Unintended effects
  • Lapses in organization

It is important to understand that accidents just don’t magically happen. Over 90 percent of all accidents can be attributed to human error. For this reason, it is important to hold negligent individuals accountable so that they do not cause the same accident in the future.

Here are some of the most common types of aviation accidents:

  • Engine failure
  • Inclement weather
  • Fuel exhaustion
  • Structural failure

Aviation accidents can cause the following types of catastrophic injuries:

  1. Burns
  2. Lacerations
  3. Internal injuries
  4. Traumatic brain injury
  5. Paralysis
  6. Fractures
  7. Scarring
  8. Spinal cord trauma

Plane Crash Attorneys – Call Us Today!

It is important to seek compensation and justice for airplane accidents in a timely manner due to the sensitive nature of the evidence involved in these types of accidents and the need to clear the scene of a crash of debris, especially if it happened within the confines of an airport. By filing an aviation accident lawsuit, you may be able to recover money damages for your medical bills, legal fees, pain and suffering, loss of wage earning ability, lost of wages and so much more. Please reach out to us NOW at (773) 825-8649 to learn more about how we can help you from our experienced aviation injury lawyers. We look forward to hearing from you.