Experienced The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf Injury Attorneys – Call to File Today

It’s pretty to safe to say that caffeine is America’s legal drug of choice, and our work days wouldn’t be complete without a cup or three of coffee. Caffeine boosts productivity and tastes great, plus adding cream, spices and other condiments makes it the winning drink, whether it’s warm or cold. The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf is a coffee and tea chain of stores found all over California and the world, and with over $500 million in revenue with each passing year, they must be doing something right. Some of the most common and loved items in their menu remain their cappuccinos, lattes, iced coffee, cookie butter ice blended drink and peppermint mocha cold brew drinks. Their stores also feature a chilled out vibe that make you want to keep indulging in their decadent offerings of coffee and tea, and are found in just about every other major mall or airport or convenience stop. Because of their quality drinks, their popularity has been unmatched and with this comes the issue of overcrowding and workers scrambling to not only attend to everyone’s orders, but to also keep everyone and their loved ones safe. Premises liability law states that you are owed something called duty of care which is a legal responsibility to keep you safe while you are conducting business at said premises. If you got injured at any The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf store, you may be able to recover compensation, and we’re here to help you with that.
Are you looking for a best Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf injury attorney? Please call us NOW at (773) 825-3605 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. The experienced coffee store injury lawyers at McCready Law have over 90 YEARS of combined legal experience helping individuals just like you get compensated after getting injured due to the negligent actions of other individuals or large corporations. What makes McCready Law different and unique is the fact that we are not afraid to litigate, especially if a case calls for the same, as seen in our over 70 case victories we’ve had for past clients. Many a times, litigation is the only way to get clients maximum compensation for the injuries they sustained as the insurance company out of bad faith often refuses to pay large dollar amounts which would help catastrophically injured clients get back on their feet and stay afloat in their new normal. In addition to having a bilingual staff, McCready Law attorneys handle cases on contingency fee basis, which means that there are NO UPFRONT FEES whatsoever during the processing of your claim as fees are only levied at the end of the suit, and only when we’ve recovered compensation on your behalf.
Here are some of the ways in which you may get injured at the Coffee Bean store:
- You may slip on iced tea or coffee that’s been left unmopped for an unreasonably long period of time
- You may get injured by tripping and falling on poorly maintained tile or carpeting that is loose and torn
- You may have hot tea or coffee spilled on you by an inattentive or distracted waiter
- You may trip and fall just outside the door due to ice or snow that hasn’t been shoveled away
- You may get attacked by other customers or transients due to inadequate security
Experienced The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf Injury Attorneys – Call Us NOW!
Your rights to file a lawsuit are important and may be jeopardized by talking to the insurance company. As a result, you want to make sure that you speak with us first before anyone else – call us NOW at (773) 825-3605 if you got injured at a The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf store and we’ll help you get started with your claim. Thanks, and we look forward to helping you.