Experienced Workers’ Compensation Attorneys for Checkers Workers – File Here

A drive thru restaurant is a great place to seek employment if you’re looking to serve a wide range of individuals of different personalities and persuasions, love interacting with people, and don’t mind long hours. Checkers is originally headquartered in Alabama, and has outlets all over the country. On the menu are classics like burgers and fries, as well as sandwiches, wraps, soft drinks and shakes. Checkers drive-thru is almost always busy and as a result, workers are kept on their toes, whether it’s preparing the food, or cleaning the restrooms, or minding the security as well as tallying and ringing up receipts. Checkers employees often get the wrong end of the stick as it usually seems like their employee only cares about the bottom line, and not their safety. Workers’ compensation was instituted in the beginning of last century, meant to protect workers in all fields across the country. However, most employers take advantage of the fact that employees don’t have an intricate understanding of the laws, and try to shortchange them when they get injured. In order to get full compensation for your injuries, it is imperative that you seek out the services of an experienced fast food worker injury attorney, and we’re here to help with that.
Are you looking for a workers’ compensation attorney for Checkers restaurant workers? Please call us NOW at (773) 250-6198 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. The experienced workers’ compensation lawyers for fast food workers for injured Checkers workers at McCready Law have over 90 YEARS of combined legal experience that we’d love to put to work on your case. What makes us unique is the fact that we have extensive experience litigating claims, as seen by the over 70 claims we’ve litigated in court and won on behalf of our clients over the years. This is important due to the fact that it is only through litigation that are you able to get maximum compensation for heavily contested claims that the insurance company is reluctant paying out for. In addition to having a bilingual staff (hablamos Espanol), we also take on cases on contingency fee basis, which means that there are NO UPFRONT FEES whatsoever during any point in the processing of your claim. Regardless of your current location in the country we can help you with your claim: simply call us NOW at (773) 250-6198 to speak with one of us: the call is 100% FREE!
Here are some of the ways in which you may get injured at a Checkers restaurant as a worker:
- You may slip and fall due to puddles of water left behind by other employees
- You may burn yourself on the stove due to lack of protective work gear
- You may trip and fall in the galley kitchen due to uneven or cracked floors
Experienced Workers’ Compensation Attorneys for Checkers Workers – Call Today!
Worker injuries almost always involve a form of negligence: what this means is that if someone else caused your injuries due to their carelessness and lack of oversight, you shouldn’t have to settle for paltry amounts as compensation, and instead, sue for the full value of your claim. Want to know more? Simply call us NOW at (773) 250-6198. Thanks, and we look forward to helping you.