Factory Workers and Hearing Loss Injuries -Get Legal Help Here

Our five senses are all equally as important as the next, and losing one may make one experience life in a less-than-satisfactory manner. It is normal for humans to take for granted the things they are provided with or have because they’ve never have to live a day without these things, but once something like hearing is impaired, we gain a new appreciation for the things that we expected for a very long time to always be there. Factory workers face numerous risks during the performance of their duties, and because of this, OSHA, a work safety agency commissioned by the government came up with extensive labor laws that are meant to keep workers in all industries safe. That means that should you lose your hearing in the line of duty, it cannot be reasoned that this was just a risk that was attached to the job and that there’s nothing your supervisor could have done. Factory worker hearing loss almost always has a negligent component attached to it. As a factory worker that lost their hearing, you’re well within your rights should you decide to file a legal claim in order to recover money damages to help make your life whole again, and we’re here to help with that.
Are you looking for a hearing loss attorney? Please call us NOW at (773) 322-1673 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. the experienced factory worker injury lawyers at McCready Law bring to the table over 90 YEARS of combined legal experience in which time we’ve helped hundreds of people just like you get compensated after getting hurt on account of the negligence of other individuals and large corporations. One of the defining and unique features that make us the go-to factory worker injury attorneys is the fact that we have extensive experience litigating claims. This means that we’re ready to get you much more in compensation by taking your case to court especially if we believe that the insurance company is acting in bad faith, or the defendant is not willing to pay you a fair compensation value for your injuries and other damages. On top of having a bilingual staff (hablamos Espanol), all claims are guaranteed to be handled by a real attorney, and not a paralegal. Lastly, all claims are taken in on contingency fee basis, which means that there are NO UPFRONT FEES during any stage in the processing of your claim, as these come at the very end, and only after the recovery of your compensation. Regardless of where you are in the country, we can help you if you suffered hearing loss as a factory worker: call us NOW at (773) 322-1673 – the legal consultation is ABSOLUTELY FREE!
The following are the most common symptoms of hearing loss:
- The development of tinnitus, or hissing and buzzing of unknown origin deep inside your ear
- Vertigo or dizziness which usually signals damage to the inner ear
- Words may sound muffled as if a barrier exists between you and the speaker
- You may have fluid or pus coming out of your ear
- You may experience unremitting ear pain that isn’t relived by medication or steroid drops
How Do Factory Workers Develop Hearing Loss?
Factory workers may suffer hearing loss due to loud machinery or even explosions due to equipment malfunction. Others may slowly develop hearing loss due to having to work without ear mufflers that would have protected their hearing, and others may be exposed to toxic substances that have a negative effect on an individual’s organs.
Experienced Attorneys for Hearing Loss in Factory Workers – Call NOW!
All the same, if you’re a factory worker that is currently living with occupational hearing loss, you’re eligible for compensation for things like lost wages, mental anguish, diminished quality of life, cost of medical treatment, legal fees, and so much more. Please call us NOW at (773) 322-1673 to learn more. Thanks, and we look forward to helping you.