
Filing a Lawsuit for Flammable Clothing

Flammable clothing may have caused your injuries, and as such, you may have a legal claim against the manufacturer of the clothing you had on at the time of your injuries. In 1953, The Federal Flammable Fabrics Act was passed into law, and it outlined best practices when it comes to the manufacturing of clothing that is flammable. In addition, the Act was amended in order to include furniture as well as any other form of material that could be considered to be good for a garment. This was all done in the interest of public safety, but manufacturers, in the hopes of making a profit, have flouted the regulations laid down in this Act time and time again. This has consequently lead to the proliferation of flammable clothing in the market, which have contributed to at least 5,000 deaths a year, deaths that could have been prevented if human life was considered more important than the promise of a quick buck.

Are you looking for a defective clothing attorney? If you believe that the flammable properties of the clothing you were wearing at the time of your fire contributed to the intensity and severity of your fire burns and injuries, please contact us at (773) 825-3547. Our flammable clothing attorneys at McCready Law have over 90 YEARS of combined legal experience helping thousands of people just like you face up to large corporations that refuse to toe the line as far as clothing manufacturing safety is concerned. We work on contingency fee basis, which simply means that we won’t charge you ANYTHING when we take on your case, and only do so once we’ve recovered compensation on your behalf. Please call our flammable clothing lawsuits attorney NOW at (773) 825-3547 to learn more. Serving all burn victims COUNTRYWIDE.

Flammable clothing injury victims usually don’t suspect that the culprit was the shirt or jacket or pair of pants that they were wearing. This is because this information isn’t usually in the public domain. However, it is important to cover all bases when you’ve been injured in a fire. Ask questions, and keep all clothing as evidence so our attorneys can examine everything in concert.

In order to have a valid flammable clothing lawsuit, the following must be present:

  1. The clothing was flammable and was in contravention of the Flammable Fabrics Act
  2. The clothing that caught on fire was the proximate cause of your injuries
  3. The clothing manufacturer or distributor knowingly placed a faulty product up for sale
  4. The flammable properties of the clothing were present at the time you bought it

Filing a Lawsuit for Flammable Clothing – Call Us Today!

Flammable clothing lawsuits typically fall under product liability, and are governed by a legal principle called “duty of care”. That is to say, the manufacturer of such garments is legally obligated to keep you safe by making clothing that is in compliance with the Flammable Fabrics Act failure to which you can file a lawsuit to recover money damages for things like medical bills, property damage, lost wages, loss of future earnings, pain and suffering and so much more. Need to speak with an attorney regarding flammable clothing lawsuits? Call us NOW at (773) 825-3547 to learn more about your legal options for compensation. Thanks, and we look forward to helping you.