Filing an OSHA Violations Workplace Injury Claim

Workplace injuries can be traumatic and lead to serious, life-changing consequences. As an employee, you typically assume that your supervisor or management have taken the necessary steps to ensure that your workplace is free from any foreseeable hazards in order to have a safe work environment. Whether you’re in a corporate office or out in the field carrying out industrial labor such as in the case of factory workers, you are owed a duty of care by your employer meant to guarantee your safety. Many workers are of the opinion that accident happen and they are just but flukes of nature, but on closer inspection, another individual’s inaction or negligence is usually found to be the proximate cause of said accidents, as nothing in nature happens in a spontaneous manner – there must have been a cause which led to an effect, and in the case of workplace injuries, the cause is usually the negligent actions of another party.
OSHA, which stands for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration is a governmental body which is charged with ensuring that all workplaces in America adhere to specific healthy and safety regulations which the organization sets up, meant to protect the health and welfare of workers. Should managers or businessowners fail to adhere to these regulations, you may be able to file a lawsuit citing breach of OSHA regulations, which could culminate in you receiving money damages for your injuries and their fallout. However, these cases tend to be complex and involve multiple moving parts that the average injured American may not be privy to, but with working with an experienced law firm, you will get to unpack the various factors of such cases, helping expedite your claim and recovering maximum compensation as allowed by law.
Are you looking for a best OSHA violations workplace injury lawyer? Please call us NOW at (314) 481-63338 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. The experienced workplace injury attorneys at McCready Law bring to the table over 90 YEARS of combined legal experience that we’d be glad and honored to use and let work for you when it comes to resolving your claim. The McCready Law difference lies in the fact that we are not afraid to litigate cases due to our experience with the same as well as having the resources to do so. In most cases, law firms simply engage the insurance company in negotiations so the case can be settled as fast as is possible: however, in doing so, the client ends up with a paltry settlement which often does not cover all their medical costs and other incidentals, leaving them in the lurch. In addition to having nationwide reach thanks to our network of committed attorneys and law firms, we also run a bilingual firm (hablamos Espanol), and we take on all cases on contingency fee basis, which simply means that there are ZERO UPFRONT FEES for the duration of the processing of your claim, as we only levy our fees at the end of the suit, and only if we’ve recovered compensation on your behalf. If you’d like to speak with one of our experienced and compassionate workplace injury lawyers, please give us a call NOW at (314) 481-63338 – the call is 100% FREE, and our intake team is standing by.
OSHA History and Functions in Preventing Workplace Injuries
OSHA, a federal agency which was established in 1970 under the Occupational Safety and Health Act was started as a means of ensuring that workplaces in the country are safe and healthful. Its mission is to set and enforce standards, providing training, education, outreach and assistance to those that need it. It tends to focus more on private sector employees, but covers a select few found in the public sector.
OSHA requires that all workplaces and the individuals that run them follow these regulations, and failure to do so usually has severe consequences such as fines, liability with regard to injury lawsuits as well as a tarnished reputation, something that can hurt major corporate entities should the media cover these lapses in OSHA regulatory compliance.
Can I Sue Citing OSHA Violations as an Injured Employee?
In order to have a successful workplace injury claim, various things need to be in place. First off, you need to prove that your employer had a legal obligation also known as duty of care towards you to provide you with a safe work environment. Next, you must show that they breached this duty of care via a negligent act which caused you injury, and that the breach was the direct cause of your injury. Lastly, you must prove that you suffered compensable damages as a result of this breach. In the case of OSHA violations, a written record of the OSHA violation will significantly bolster your credibility, and in some jurisdictions, an OSHA violation may create a presumption of negligence, meaning you don’t have to prove that the employer was negligent, leaving the burden of proof to fall on the employer instead to prove that they were NOT negligent. In addition, if there are multiple OSHA violations which led to your injuries, the liability may be higher which could potentially lead to higher damages.
Best OSHA Violations Workplace Injury Lawyers – Call Us Today!
OSHA violations leading to injury may be grounds for a workplace injury lawsuit. By filing one, you may be able to recover a host of damages such as loss of income, the cost of medical expenses, loss of consortium, loss of enjoyment of life, emotional distress, the cost of rehabilitative care and even legal fees. If the actions of your employees are found to have been particularly egregious, punitive damages may also be levied. These types of cases need the keen eyes of an experienced countrywide workplace injury lawyer so as to tease out which OSHA violations were committed, and that you filled in all documentation regarding the same in a comprehensive manner. Lastly, working with a best OSHA violations injury lawyer will enable you to have access to expert witnesses who can translate these violations in a manner that shows their relevance to your injuries. Interested in learning if you have a valid injury claim? Please give us a call NOW at (314) 481-63338 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. Remember, the call is 100% FREE, and there is no legal obligation. Thanks for choosing us, and we look forward to helping you.