
Food Poisoning at Arby’s – Legal Help Inside

Arby’s is a popular restaurant known for its mouthwatering TV ads and a mostly meat menu. It is loved by both children and adults alike, and it has franchised itself making it a visible spot in most American towns and cities. While an affordable meat platter sounds like a great deal, cases of Norovirus and salmonella have been on the increase at many Arby’s restaurants across the country, leaving some critically ill and with life-changing health complications. It is important to understand that any restaurant owes you something called duty of care which legally binds them and implores them to keep you safe at all times while at their premises failure to which and should you suffer injuries, you may be able to file a food poisoning injury lawsuit.

Did you develop food poisoning after eating at Arby’s? If you believe that certain food hygiene standards weren’t met leading to you falling sick after eating at Arby’s, you may be able to recover compensation with our help. McCready Law has been at the forefront of helping injured individuals for over 90 YEARS, and we’d love to put this experience to work for you. If you or a loved one suffered health complications such as Norovirus or salmonella poisoning after eating at Arby’s, we’d love to hear from you so we can advise you on the next steps to take. Please contact us NOW at (773) 825-3547 to learn more about your legal options for compensation. We take on cases on a contingency fee basis, which means that we don’t charge you anything until we recover compensation on your behalf.

The most common causes of food poisoning at restaurants:

  1. Failure to Properly Cook Food

It is important that food be heated to a certain temperature in order to inactivate certain microorganisms that may cause illness. For instance, ground beef must reach an internal temperature of 160 degrees in order to make it safe for consumption, while chicken and turkey must get to the 165 degree mark. Shellfish and other types of fish on the other hand must be cooked thoroughly as it is the one type of food that is most likely to make restaurant patrons severely ill.

  1. Cross-Contamination

It is vital that certain foods do not touch other ingredients or foods as they may contaminate these foods or ingredients and even surfaces, which can then go on to transfer bacteria or viruses to other  foods

  1. Poor Sanitation

With the pressure to keep producing food so that certain bottom lines can be met daily, chefs and other workers may be tempted to cut corners in order to meet these targets. They may not wash their hands as often and thoroughly as they should, and they may not clean utensils in the manner in which they should, leading to the development of bacteria and viruses on utensils, surfaces, hands, and eventually, food.

Arby’s Food Poisoning Lawyers – Call Us Today!

Norovirus causes gastroenteritis, or a type of “stomach flu” that can leave you with night sweats and diarrhea. Salmonella, on the other hand, can leave you with unrelenting stomach pain, diarrhea, bloating, reactive arthritis and bacteremia, or bacterial infection of the bloodstream. If you or a loved one contracted salmonella or Norovirus at an Arby’s near you, please give us a call at (773) 825-3547 to learn more about your legal options for compensation. We look forward to helping you.