Getting Compensated for Cell Tower Worker Injuries

There’s a common misconception that construction work is the most dangerous type of work in the country due to working from heights, to having things falling on workers as well as electrocution and so on. However, this doesn’t come nowhere near to the kind of danger experienced by cell tower workers who, according to statistics, have a job that’s 10 TIMES more dangerous than construction work. Cell tower workers are a vital part of the communications industry, and they are responsible for not only installing these behemoths, but also maintaining and repairing them as needed. Falls from cell towers are almost always fatal, and the injuries are so catastrophic that spinal injury and paralysis as well as traumatic brain injuries are all possibilities.
Are you looking for the best cell tower injuries attorney? If you believe the flouting of OSHA safety laws led to your injuries or that of a loved one as a cell tower worker, you may be able to file a workers’ compensation lawsuit for cell tower workers. McCready Law has helped workers just like you get the justice and compensation they need over the years, and over 75 years of collective experience is pretty hard to beat. We will represent you every step of the way, carrying out investigations, negotiating with the insurance company, and even go to trial if that’s what it will take to get you top dollar on your claim. Please give our best cell tower accident attorneys a call NOW at (773) 825-3651 to receive your 100% FREE consultation on your claim.
Here are some of the most common causes of cell tower injuries:
- Electrical shock
- Falling objects
- Failing equipment
- Structures collapsing due to a structural issue
- Working during poor weather
- Falls due to poorly maintained safety equipment
OSHA Regulations May Prevent Cell Tower Falls and Injuries
OSHA requires employers to properly train all their workers before they start working. In addition, safety rehearsals must be carried out daily, as well as the safety concerns of workers taken to consideration. OSHA regulations are non-negotiable, and they were laid out to protect workers in all strata of employment. The government agency publishes a safety handbook that every employer must have and know inside and out in order to enforce safety standards at all times.
Best Cell Tower Injury Attorneys – Call Us Today!
While it is possible to receive workers’ compensation after a cell tower accident, it is important to note that these accidents just don’t happen without some form of negligence. It is therefore vital that you liaise with our cell tower injuries attorneys at (773) 825-3651 so we can fully investigate the matter and file a workers’ compensation claim that is in line with your injuries that can help you recover hundreds of thousands, if not over a million in compensation compared to the measly tens of thousands you would get from insurance companies if you didn’t lawyer up. Need to speak with our best cell tower injury lawyers? Please give us a call NOW at (773) 825-3651 for your FREE consultation into cell tower accident lawsuits. We look forward to hearing from you.