Getting the most for a serious injury

Sometimes getting the top settlement offer in a case is just the beginning. Our office handled an automobile accident where the at fault driver had the state minimum of insurance coverage, which was $25,000. Fortunately, our client had underinsured motorist coverage which brought the total recovery to $100,000. However, our client sustained serious injuries, including emergency neck surgery, and incurred bills in excess of $150,000. What’s more, she was not covered by health insurance.
Both insurance companies tendered their respective policy limits without a dispute. The real work began when addressing the outstanding bills. Our office contacted each of the outstanding bill providers and explained the limited amount of recovery available. Many of them understood and accepted a reduced amount as payment in full.
However, several providers were not so accommodating. Fortunately, McCready Law made use of the Health Care Lien Act which addresses situations where there is insufficient funds to pay the medical providers in full. After many months of negotiations, we were able to get all $150,000 of her bills paid for $42,000, leaving the remainder for attorney fees and the client. There was a lot of work which went into this case, but it was all on the back end, obtaining the policy limits was easy. But at McCready Law, we strive to make the best recovery possible, and that means putting as much money in the client’s pocket as possible.