Got Hurt at a Meijer Store? Start Here to Learn More About Your Compensation Options

Even with the advent of online shopping, millions of Americans still prefer to go to retail stores in order to get what they want. Nothing beats the retail experience as you get to see exactly what you want to get, and there are no mistakes when it comes to making your order compared to online shopping where what you get may not be necessarily what you saw on the website.

Meijer is a retail store offering dry and other goods such as groceries, home improvement items, furniture and so much more, with a concentration in the Midwest. Meijer had its humble beginnings in 1934 when a Dutch immigrant in Greenville, Michigan opened the first store. By 1962, Meijer had become a serious store when it decided to adopt the supercenter concept where it combined the convenience of a supermarket with the variety of a department store, meaning that shoppers could get their household goods as well as clothing and groceries, all in one place.

Today, Meijer has over 500 supercenters across the country, bringing in an estimated yearly revenue of $21 billion. Despite its success, Meijer seems to be stumbling in the area of customer safety, owing to the dozens of Meijer injury incidents reported by the media on an almost daily basis all over the country. When you access a business for the purposes of carrying out an economic transaction, you are owed the highest duty of care as an invitee to keep you safe for the duration of time you’re within or around their business premises, and should you sustain injuries as a result of the business’s negligence, you may be able to recover compensation, and we’re here to help you with that. 

Find a Lawyer for Your Injury

Are you looking for the best Meijer slip and fall accident attorney? The experienced Meijer superstore injury lawyers at McCready Law have helped thousands upon thousands of injured individuals for over two decades seek and receive compensation after they became victims of the negligent actions of others.

What sets us apart is the fact that we are not afraid to litigate if it comes down to it, as doing so may get you a more favorable settlement in your Meijer injury lawsuit, a step most law firms would not take due to their inexperience when it comes to litigation and their lack of resources. In addition, we serve all injured Meijer customers countrywide, and we run a bilingual office (hablamos Español).

Meijer injury lawsuits are typically taken up on contingency fee basis, and what this simply means is that there are ZERO UPFRONT FEES when we decide to represent you, as we only recover our legal fees at the very end of the process, and only if we’ve won your case on your behalf. If you’d like to speak with someone regarding your potential Meijer store injury lawsuit, please give us a call NOW at 312-444-0214 to learn more – our intake team is standing by. 

Common Causes of Injuries at Meijer Stores

What most people don’t realize is that retail stores are veritable mines when it comes to injuries, and so many things can go wrong at any given time. From products falling off shelves and onto you, to puddles of juice or water left next to the product freezers making you slip and fall, to getting injured by faulty shopping carts as well as cracks in the parking lot pavement, these stores present you with every opportunity to get injured. That said, OSHA, a governmental body tasked with ensuring worker and business environment safety, has come up with safety and training guidelines to help ensure overall wellbeing and safety in businesses across the country. 

Here are some of the most common causes of injuries at Meijer stores:

Product-Related Injuries

These occur due to defective products, such as a shelf which was improperly stacked or poorly maintained collapsing next to customers, sending heavy boxes raining down on unsuspecting customers, leading to severe head and back injuries 

Slips and Falls

Meijer store workers are legally required to clean up spills in a timely manner or put up signage to alert customers on the presence of the same. Retail stores may need to be cleaned regularly in order to keep them in pristine condition and motivate customers to keep spending, and other customers may accidentally spill milk or water as they pick up items from cold storage or their commercial fridges, leading to slip and fall risks. These types of accidents could lead to back or spinal injury, broken legs or arms, concussions and even internal organ damage or bleeding, necessitating prompt medical attention. 

Assaults and Robberies

Given the thousands of individuals accessing their stores, there is a real risk of customers falling prey to unsavory characters, particularly around dimly lit areas of the store or the restroom, as well as in the evenings where criminals may take advantage of inadequate security to rob or attack innocent shoppers. Such incidents may leave an individual with severe injuries from the assault, or even depression, anxiety or PTSD due to the psychological trauma from the assault.

Steps to Take After Getting Injured at a Meijer Store

If you experience an injury at a Meijer store, knowing what steps to take can help you protect your rights and seek compensation. Follow these essential actions to ensure your well-being and support your claim.

File an Incident Report

It is vital that you act fast but purposefully after getting injured at your local Meijer store since not doing so may seriously hurt your credibility should your case go to court. The first thing you want to do is let the store know and file an incident report. However, be careful not to answer any questions as this may be used to apportion negligence on you later on, and do not sign any document as this could effectively waive your rights to seek legal relief. 

Gather Evidence

Next, if you can, gather evidence around the accident area by taking photos and video of the scene, or ask someone else to do that for you if you suffered a severe injury such as back injury or concussion leading to loss of consciousness. Take note of any cameras around you, and snap photos of these, as we may be able to access the video evidence contained in them by issuing the Meijer store with a court order compelling them to do so. 

Seek Medical Attention Immediately

Third, you want to make sure to get medical attention on the same day that you got injured or were first made aware of your injuries as your medical report will carry a significant amount of weight in your case as the objectivity with which these reports are written leaves no room for ambiguity – you either sustained injuries or you did not. If you still haven’t reached out to a physician, this is something we can help you with – simply call us NOW at 312-444-0214 to learn more about how we can help. 

Document All Your Injuries

Third, you want to make sure that your injuries are documented, as this will help quantify the damages you may be entitled to. Ensure to write down the different diagnoses, the prescriptions as well as medical procedures you underwent, your pain level on a daily basis if possible, and even things like your physical limitations and activities you are unable to perform around the house. While documenting this, be consistent and use multiple formats such as combining notes with photos of your injuries and bills as well as any back and forth correspondence with the insurance company. Lastly, do not forget to keep digital backups of all documents in case the soft copies get misplaced, as well as having easy access to them instead of lugging around files and papers. 

Experienced, Compassionate Meijer Store Injury Attorneys – Call Us Today!

Perhaps the most important thing you can do when it comes to your Meijer store injury claim is to reach out to an experienced retail store injury lawyer as this will ensure that your case gets a comprehensive analysis, any holes are filled as well as your damages are listed in their entirety to ensure maximum compensation. Our experienced Meijer injury lawyers will also handle communication on your behalf with Meijer or the insurance company in order to protect the integrity of your claim, oversee any depositions or mediation meetings, go to court to ask for subpoenas and orders to relinquish evidence, as well as put you in contact with investigators, healthcare professionals and rehabilitation centers and similar resources so you can make a speedy recovery. 

It is important that you do not speak with the store management, and avoid apportioning any blame on yourself as your conversation may either be recorded or used to get you to admit to comparative fault, which may drastically reduce the value of your claim. To keep your case free from any interference, please give us a call now at 312-444-0214 so you can speak with one of our efficient and compassionate Meijer store injury lawyers. Note that your first consultation is on us, and there are absolutely no legal obligations. Thanks for choosing McCready Law, and we look forward to helping you.