Got Injured at a Whole Foods? This Guide Lays Bare Compensation Secrets

There has never been a more important time in the history of America as it relates to the health of its people as the present time. Obesity is at an all-time high, with 1 in 3 Americans being clinically obese. Obesity has therefore become an urgent public concern due to the health complications and comorbidities one may face as a result of being overweight.

Obesity often leads to chronic and preventable diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and even some forms of cancer, and because of this, millions of individuals, egged on by the health-conscious movement heralded by the likes of Gillian Michaels have started eating better and exercising, and the Whole Foods Market is right there with them. Started in 1980, Whole Foods Market was founded by John Mackey, Renee Lawson Hardy and a small group of partners in Austin, Texas. 

Primarily named SaferWay, the store’s mission was to provide the community with organic and natural foods while keeping the costs of the same low. In 1981, the store merged with a local grocery store named Whole Foods, creating a new and much bigger entity that we presently know as Whole Foods Market. Whole Food’s decision to go public in 1992 led to its massive growth, and by the 2000s, it had established itself as the one to beat when it comes to natural foods and organic products, creating an ecosystem of ethical sourcing as well as sustainable agriculture.

Whole Foods was acquired by Amazon for $13.7 billion dollars, creating a behemoth of a corporation which could also serve its customers online. That said, millions of Americans still prefer shopping at your typical brick and mortar store, and with this, comes the risk of injury given the numerous hazards which may lead to injuries at your typical grocery store. Under the legal principle of premises liability law, an injured Whole Foods Market customer has the right to file a lawsuit in order to recover money damages if it can be proven that negligence was the proximate cause of your injuries, and we’re here to help you do this in a safe and compassionate environment. 

Injured at Whole Foods?

Are you looking for the best Whole Foods Market injury attorney? If you slipped and fell at a Whole Foods, were attacked by another customer due to inadequate security, had products fall on you from unstable shelves, or even tripped and fell outside these stores, you may be eligible for substantial financial compensation. The experienced Whole Foods injury lawyers at McCready Law serve all individuals injured at these stores countrywide, and we run a bilingual office.

What sets us apart, however, is that we are not afraid to litigate if we believe that we can get you a much higher payout that is commensurate with your injuries, and particularly if the other party or insurance company low-balls you with regard to your settlement offer. Most law firms will stay away from litigation due to not having the resources to do so, or the lack of experience when it comes to winning trials.

Whole Foods slip and fall cases are usually taken up on a contingency fee basis, and what this means is that there are NO UPFRONT FEES for the duration of the claim, as we will only levy our fees at the very end of the process, and only if we’ve recovered compensation on your behalf. For your ABSOLUTELY FREE legal consultation into all things Whole Foods injury lawsuits, please give us a call NOW at 312-444-0214 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation – our intake team is standing by.

OSHA, Retail Store Safety and What this Means for Whole Foods Injury Victims

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, or OSHA, plays a pivotal role in ensuring that businesses are safe and free from any hazardous elements which may be injurious to workers and the civilian population at large. An environment such as Whole Foods is always busy with hundreds of customers coming in and out of the store every single day and as such, care must be taken to keep these individuals safe at all times. 

Regular Inspections May Prevent Whole Foods Injuries

For instance, OSHA recommends that regular safety inspections be carried out, as these can point out any safety hazards which can be rectified before they turn into danger zones. In addition, these inspections ought to be thorough and cover every area of the store, and employees should check for things such as slippery surfaces which could lead to slips and falls, obstructions around aisles which may lead to tripping, the condition of shelving, carts and other equipment in the store so as to ensure everyone is kept free from injuries. 

Your Injury at Whole Foods Market Could Have Been Prevented by Documentation

OSHA also requires that stores such as Whole Foods Market maintain accurate records of things like inspection dates, identified hazards and steps taken to remedy issues that were identified to be potentially injurious. Documentation is important as it not only helps stores and businesses such as Whole Foods comply with OSHA regulations, but also serves as training aids for new employees. 

OSHA Workforce Training and What This Means for Your Whole Foods Injury Lawsuit

OSHA mandates that any business’s workforce be adequately trained, as this may help minimize any injuries. This training may include things like equipment usage such as how to use pallet jacks and forklifts that may be instrumental in moving around obstructions around aisles to prevent accidents, emergency response where employees are taught how to respond to fires and medical incidents to minimize any injuries which may occur. Lastly, employees must be trained on spill management in order to quickly and effectively clean up any spills before they become veritable hazards that may cause slips and falls. 

How to have a valid case?

In order to have a valid case against Whole Foods Market, the following must be present:

  1. You must first prove that Whole Foods owed you a duty of care to keep their premises safe for you, the invitee. An invitee refers to an individual who accesses a business establishment for the purpose of carrying out commercial activities, such as purchasing items or services. 
  2. You must also show that Whole Foods management or employees breached this duty of care where it did not act in a reasonable manner when it came to maintaining a safe environment. This can be demonstrated via negligence where management knew or should have known about the existence of a hazardous condition, but did nothing to mitigate such as failing to remedy wobbly shelves or marketing stands, or not resurfacing the tarmac at their parking lot which would have prevented concussions and broken bones respectively. 
  3. Additionally, you must demonstrate causation, whereby you must show that the unsafe or hazardous condition was the proximate cause of your injuries. For example, you must demonstrate via reconstruction or computer modeling that a wet floor caused you to fall and suffer specific injuries. On top of that, you must show that it was foreseeable that the unsafe condition could result in your getting injured. 
  4. Finally, you must prove that you suffered compensable injuries due to your injuries. Typical damages in a Whole Foods injury lawsuit includes things like medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, cost of rehabilitative care and associated legal fees. 

Premises liability claims against Whole Foods can be challenging as you must prove beyond reasonable doubt that the management knew or should have known about the hazardous condition as well as did nothing to mitigate it. In addition, Whole Foods, a billion-dollar company, has armies of lawyers fighting off lawsuits every single day, and due to the amount of time they’ve been doing this, they have become so adept at dismissing claims or paying individuals off that it is virtually impossible for you, the unsophisticated individual, to go up against their legal team unaided.

Best Whole Foods Market Injury Attorneys – Call Us Today!

It is for these and other reasons that you will require timely and aggressive legal representation to ensure you get the justice and compensation you require. We will help source court orders to preserve any CCTV evidence of the event, refer you to exceptional healthcare providers so we can capture a comprehensive picture of your injuries to ensure fair and maximum compensation, engage the Whole Foods legal team as well as the insurance company in negotiations, ensure that all your paperwork is filed in a timely manner, and represent you in a court of law if it should ever come down to that. 

If you slipped and fell, had products fall on you, were attacked or suffered any other form of injury at any Whole Foods Market branch anywhere in the country, we’d love to hear from you. Our team of experienced retail injury attorneys is ready to talk you through the process, what to expect during mediation or trial, and what you can potentially sue for and recover when it comes to damages. Please give us a call now at 312-444-0214 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. Remember, the call is 100% FREE, and there is no legal obligation whatsoever. Thanks for choosing us, and we look forward to helping you.