Hack the System: Unleash Your Inner Superhero and Blast Through the Injured Federal Workers’ Compensation Process

Federal workers’ compensation may seem like a behemoth and an unknown and menacing creature if you’re an injured federal worker looking to get started on your claim. If you look at internet forums and social media groups, all you’ll read are horror stories about how individuals were denied compensation, while others have been waiting months or even years to have their files reviewed in order to qualify for benefits. An injury can put you out of commission, and the sometimes stressful nature of navigating federal workers’ compensation can take its toll on your mental and emotional health. That said, this process, when well understood, doesn’t have to be complicated if you work with a professional, as things can be streamlined and expedited to make sure you not only receive compensation as an injured federal worker, but also continue to receive benefits until you’re ready to resume work, where possible.
Are you looking for a federal workers’ compensation law firm? For close two decades, the experienced, efficient and aggressive attorneys at McCready Law have represented individuals just like you when it comes to seeking compensation. The process can be mired by administrative and bureaucratic complications, and it may all seem like a lost cause. Our attorneys help simplify everything, leaving you to sit back and concentrate on getting better. We serve injured federal workers countrywide. We help connect you to specialists and wellness resources, and we have a team of experts that are ready to lend their hand when it comes to investigating your case so your claim is accepted at first application. We have a bilingual staff (hablamos Espanol), and we are responsive and keep clients updated on the status of their case on a regular basis. If you’d like to get started on your potential claim, please give us a call NOW at 312-444-0214 to speak with one of our friendly federal workers’ compensation attorneys.
Is There a Program That Covers Injured Federal Workers?
Federal workers’ compensation was made possible thanks to the passing of FECA, or the Federal Workers’ Compensation Act, which outlines the processes and agencies that are responsible for the management and compensation of federal worker injuries. This Act outlines who is eligible, the injuries that are covered, the various forms of compensation, how to get started on the claims process as well as what to do if you get denied. It is important to note that the Department of Labor and the Office of the Workers’ Compensation Programs oversees these claims and makes sure that filing, processing and awarding compensation goes on without a hitch.
However, just because there is a system laid in place to ensure injured federal workers receive compensation doesn’t mean that the system is easy to navigate. As with all arms of government, bureaucracy exists, and it can not only be demoralizing, but it can also test your patience and make you have doubts about the legitimacy of the entire process.
First Things First – Injury Reporting
The first thing that needs to be done if you get injured is the reporting of your injury. This is done to cement the legitimacy of your claim, and it must be done immediately. For starters, let your supervisor know, and fill in form CA-1 or CA-2, depending on your injury or condition, with the former used for traumatic injuries, and the latter, occupational diseases. This is something you can attempt on your own, or that you can hire us to assist you with.
A Word About Treatment for Injured Federal Workers
When it comes to seeking treatment, make sure that you prepare for your appointments by listing your symptoms, preparing a slew of questions and taking note of your medical history so your doctor can properly assess your condition and provide comprehensive medical care. In addition, ensure that your healthcare provider is approved by OWCP and that they understand how to show a causal link between your injuries or illness and your inability to carry out job duties. It is also the healthcare provider’s responsibility to provide your medical records and all forms of related documentation to the OWCP, but if they do not, you will be the one that suffers.
Timely Filing Cannot Be Overemphasized
When your file is complete after having seen a physician, make sure to send all your medical reports and witness statements to OWCP. It is important that OWCP receive relevant and consistent medical records, therefore, it can be helpful to hire an attorney to review documents before they are submitted in your case.
Injured Federal Worker Claim Approval Process
OWCP reviews claims on a sequential basis without favoritism; however, it prioritizes files that are complete and those that don’t have missing information such as medical assessments, witness statements and so on, so make sure that this is the case for your file. A claims examiner will then take a look at your file to see if you fit the eligibility criteria as outlined by FECA. If approved, the agency shall authorize comprehensive medical treatment as well as send out wage-loss reimbursements and disability benefits. However, if you get denied, you are provided with the right to appeal OWCP’s decision via their administrative review arm, which is very time sensitive.
Why You Need to Work With an Injured Federal Worker Law Firm
Working with our law firm streamlines this entire process, and it also makes sure that you hit and meet all deadlines as laid out by OWCP. Constant communication with OWCP through our firm is key in order to ensure that your claim is flowing through the different OWCP departments smoothly. In addition, should OWCP require any additional documentation, we will ensure that this gets to them in a timely manner so your file is not put aside. What we advise our clients during this time is to have a running tally of all lost wages as well as the amounts they spend seeking medical attention so that they can be reimbursed when their claim is finally approved. We work closely with each injured federal worker and hold their hand throughout the process in order to meet all requirements and jump through all hoops and obstacles that may present themselves during the federal workers’ compensation process. Simply call us at 312-444-0214 NOW for more information.
Denied? Appeals are Your Best Option
It is important to note that not all individuals who apply for benefits after getting injured as federal workers qualify for benefits. Multiple factors may play into a denial, with some of these being insufficient evidence, a non-compensable injury according to the statute or applying after too much time has passed. However, these cases can be looked at with a fresh set of eyes thanks to the appeals process heralded and overseen by the OWCP. Appealing a federal workers’ compensation denial is your right, and it can be done in the following ways.
OWCP Appeals Hearing
First off, you will need to request a hearing or a review of written record after getting a denial from OWCP. This must be done within 30 days of the date on the denial decision, not the date you receive your denial, and it must be addressed to the Branch of Hearings and Review or upload through E-comp. This hearing or review is overseen by an OWCP official who will review evidence. Legal arguments, and case law that we would submit on your behalf and review your case file once more so they can make a second decision regarding your eligibility.
OWCP Appeals Reconsideration
If you don’t choose that option or miss the 30 day deadline, your journey doesn’t end there: you may request reconsideration which usually must be done within one year of the date of the decision and requires new relevant evidence to be presented on the issue or the Claims Examiner will not have to look at your appeal request. If the claims examiner deems the new evidence to be cumulative, then the appeal request will not be reviewed on its merits.
ECAB Appeals for Injured Federal Workers
The appeals options don’t stop there: it is possible to appeal to the Employees’ Compensation Appeals Board which is 3 judges who have the power to reverse or modify or even affirm decisions made by OWCP as they relate to your claim. In order have your request accepted by the Employees’ Compensation Appeals Board, you must file it within 180 days of the date of the denial decision. The judges will only review whatever evidence is already a part of the file at the time of the decision being appealed, so if you need to provide additional evidence, then this is usually not the method of appeal that you should choose.
Appeals for FedComp – How Our Law Firm Can Help
The appeals process with regard to federal workers’ compensation is time-sensitive and often involves a lot of moving parts, filing of documents and even participating in hearings, whether physically or remotely. Because of this, you want to work with our law firm so we can help you get through the process in a smooth and hassle-free manner: we will help file your documents, keep you abreast of any communication from OWCP, advocate on your behalf and challenge OWCP and ECAB’s decisions as needed – call us NOW at 312-444-0214 for your free consult.
How Do I Get The Maximum Benefits as an Injured Federal Worker?
It is important to realize that not all cases are equal, which means that some injured federal workers may be entitled to more or even less compensation compared to their counterparts, who, in some instances, suffered almost the same injuries or contracted the same disease as another federal worker. However, it is possible to maximize your benefits if you stay abreast of all the information available with regard to federal workers’ compensation. To begin with, make sure that you have a comprehensive and exhaustive understanding of all benefits available to you under FECA, as well as what one needs to have or do in order to qualify for these benefits, such as things like medical documentation and the timely filing of all federal workers’ compensation forms.
Keep Accurate Records
You may not be particularly detail-oriented, but it is important that you become a stickler for information and details during this period. Keep track of all lost wages, medical, travel and other expenses by saving pay stubs, receipts and so on in order to legitimize your claim.
Maintain an Open and Constant Line of Communication
On top of keeping accurate records, you must make a concerted effort to speak with your healthcare providers, let them know about all sensations and difficulties you may be facing when it comes to performing daily duties around the house so they can correctly diagnose you as well as write a comprehensive medical record.
Injured Federal Worker? Don’t Wait – Be Proactive!
Being proactive is one of the cornerstones of the federal workers’ compensation process. Nothing happens in a vacuum, and consequently, you must be in constant contact with your case manager at OWCP so you can have up-to-date information on the progress of your claim. Should they ask you for additional information through us, such as new imaging tests, doctor’s notes, clarification of a certain issue within your file and so on, we provide this information immediately or within a few days or a week so that your claim can be taken seriously or expedited.
Vocational Rehabilitation for Permanent Injury Cases
During the time between your recovery and return to work, it is important to be realistic. Sometimes, this means that you may be able to acquire new skills by way of vocational rehabilitation. Doing this will open up a whole new world or employment possibilities in positions you never thought possible.
A permanent injury may also require that you adjust your work ability, and this training will cement your earning power going forward, helping you meet all your financial responsibilities.
Overwhelmed? We Can Help – Call Us Today!
We understand and appreciate the fact that applying for federal workers’ compensation can be a complicated and stressful affair. However, by following the advice in this guide, you can rest assured in your ability to jump through every piece of red tape standing between you and your compensation.
That said, it’s best to leave the heavy lifting and administrative work to our law firm, given our experience when it comes to handling these types of claims. We help talk to claims examiners on your behalf, connect you to OWCP-conversant doctors, and ensure you receive your lost wages in order to help lessen the financial strain many injured federal workers often find themselves in. Please call us NOW at 312-444-0214 so we can best help simplify this whole process. Thanks, and we look forward to helping you.