Halloween 2017 Safety Tips

Halloween is only a few short weeks away, and families all over Northwest Indiana are getting their outfits and props ready for a night of absolute terror around their neighborhoods with friends and loved ones. While there’s a lot of fun to be had during Halloween, it is important to realize that safety should be your top priority for you and your family.
Are you looking for a Halloween injuries attorney in Northwest Indiana? Please call experienced lawyer Michael McCready today on 877-561-3004 for your free and confidential consultation into your legal options for compensation.
How To Protect Your Kids During Halloween
It is important that you as a parent make sure that kids take the necessary precautions during Halloween to stay safe. For starters, make sure they have a flashlight so they can see where they are going during Halloween night. This is because there may be decorations and props on the ground which they can inadvertently step on or trip over, leading to severe injuries that may need prompt medical attention.
Safe Driving During Halloween
The next thing you want to do as a parent driving them to a commercial haunted house is make sure you drive in a purposeful, defensive manner. Not all parents or teens behind the wheels of other cars will be as conscientious as you: it is not uncommon for revelers to have a drink or two before getting into a car, and most of these people will have no qualms about driving drunk on account of the celebrations surrounding Halloween.
Keep Candles Out of Reach
If you’re going to invite people over and have the event over at your place, make sure that candles as well as jack-o-lanterns are far from reach and covered in such a manner that children won’t be tempted to play with or tip over. In addition, keeping candles out of rich will avert situations where clothes may catch on fire, leading to a person suffering severe burns on your property.
Reflective Tape Helps
Lastly, a great safety tip for your kids would be to put reflective tape on all your children’s costumes so they’re not missed by errant, careless or drunk drivers.
Northwest Indiana Halloween Injuries Lawyer
All in all, you can’t prevent all negligent actions as some may not be within your realm of control. For such cases, you need to depend on a good Northwest Indiana injury attorney who handles Halloween injury claims to help you get the compensation you deserve. Call experienced lawyer Michael McCready today on 877-561-3004 for your free and confidential consultation into your legal options for compensation.