
Help, I Developed Narcolepsy After a Head Injury! Your Legal Rights

Traumatic brain injury after an accident or a slip and fall event can have far-reaching consequences, including the development of narcolepsy, which can be defined as excessive daytime sleepiness that interferes with an individual’s productivity and life in general. It is estimated that over 40 percent of all individuals that suffer a brain injury develop narcolepsy due to the tissue trauma that causes neurons in certain areas of the brain that are responsible in the production of the hormone hypocretin to die off. When this happens, the body has a hard time when it comes to controlling the sleep / wakefulness cycle, making it more likely for an individual to be so sleepy over the course of a single day that driving a vehicle, going down a flight of stairs, using the stove and iron are all but impossible. If you or a loved one became extremely sleepy after a car accident, you’re well within your rights to file a legal claim in order to recover money damages, and we’re here to help with that.

Are you looking for a car accident narcolepsy lawsuit attorney? Please call us NOW at (773) 985-5139 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. What makes us different is the fact that cases are personally handled by a real attorney, and not a paralegal. In addition to being bilingual (hablamos Espanol), our car accident narcolepsy lawyers are ready to litigate any claims that we feel are being overlooked by the defendant and insurance company as we have the experience and resources when it comes to taking cases to court, something that most injury law firms do not possess. On top of that, all cases are handled on contingency fee basis, meaning that you PAY NOTHING when we take on your case as claims are processed and settled before we get paid, which happens at the very end of the process. Regardless of where you are in the country, if you developed narcolepsy after an auto accident or after a traumatic brain injury, call us NOW at (773) 985-5139 to speak with one of our experienced auto accident lawyers to learn more about how to get started on your legal claim.

Narcolepsy After an Accident – What You Need to Know

Narcolepsy after a brain injury can present in two ways. It can be part of cataplexy, where the individual loses muscle control and even consciousness when it hits them, causing them to fall to the ground instantly. In other presentations, the sufferer may go through periods of sleepiness for the duration of their day, making it difficult to complete any task as they feel as if they need multiple naps over the course of the day.

Can Narcolepsy After a Brain Injury Be Cured?

Unfortunately, due to the fact that neurons responsible for the production of hypocretin cannot be regenerated after an accident, individuals with narcolepsy may not experience remission and may have to contend with taking stimulants such as adderrall and caffeine in order to stay awake on an average day.

Narcolepsy Brain Injury Attorneys – Call Us Now!

Traumatic brain injury after an accident can have far-reaching effects, and the narcolepsy that develops shortly after can destroy your life, making it virtually impossible to hold down a job, cause marital strife, lead to other injuries and be expensive to treat. If you suffered narcolepsy due to a mild or traumatic brain injury caused by someone else’s negligence on the road, please call us NOW at (773) 985-5139 to learn more about your legal options for compensation. Thanks, and we look forward to helping you.