Help, I Fell and Injured Myself in a Manhole! Your Legal Options Today

Manholes are essential for every large city or town due to the fact that they provide workers with access to the sewer system in order to maintain it from time to time. Manholes are nondescript, and you can be forgiven if you stepped over a dozen or more if you work in the city proper and have to walk from place to place by foot. Manholes are usually clearly marked, but most of us think nothing of them until something happens to us involving them. The city council and contractors together with their workers are tasked with the responsibility of maintaining manholes so that the public doesn’t get injured. Injuries don’t just happen out of the blue, nor are they fated or due to some fluke; injuries more often than not occur because someone somewhere didn’t do their job to keep others safe. You are owed what’s legally called duty of care by individuals in various industries, so should anything happen to you that involves a manhole, you may be able to recover compensation in the form of money damages, and we’re here to help with that.
Are you looking for a manhole injury lawyer? Please call us NOW at (773) 985-5139 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. The experienced manhole injury attorneys at McCready Law have an aggregate of over 90 YEARS helping individuals just like you get the justice and compensation they deserve. What makes our manhole fall injury lawyers different is the fact that not only are we bilingual (hablamos Espanol), but we also personally handle all claims, and don’t give them to our paralegals as is common practice in most injury law firms. McCready Law manhole injury attorneys also have extensive experience litigating claims, which means that we are ready should we need to try your case in a court of law in case we believe that your case is worth more than what the insurance company is offering. Lastly, we take on cases on contingency fee basis, which means that YOU PAY NOTHING from the moment we take on your claim to the final compensation stage, as our fees are deducted shortly after this. Regardless of where you are in the country, please give us a call NOW at (773) 985-5139 to learn more about your legal rights: the call is 100% FREE, and there’s no legal obligation.
Some of the most common causes of manhole accidents and injuries are:
- Not putting up barriers around them to prevent people from falling through
- Failure to cover the manholes after working inside them
- Failure to put up a notice warning people about the unstable nature of the manhole
Manhole Explosions Can Have Catastrophic Consequences
Manhole explosions are rare but catastrophic events that occur due to the buildup of methane and other gases underground in the sewer system as well as gas leaks. Depending on the location of the victim at the time of the explosion, these injuries can be severe and traumatizing, requiring urgent medical care.
Experienced Manhole Injury Attorneys – Call Us Now!
Manhole accident injuries vary and can cause things like concussions, broken legs, traumatic brain injury, lacerations, bruises and cuts on one’s face, and emotional trauma. If you believe that your manhole injury never would have happened had someone done their work to keep you safe, call us NOW at (773) 985-5139 to learn more about your legal options? Thanks, and we look forward to helping you.