
Help, I Got Injured Working at Old Navy! What are My Legal Rights?

If you pride yourself in having great customer service, and are looking for a career in retail, then there’s no better place to find work than at Old Navy. An American staple for decades, Old Navy has become a tour de force and a brand of substance for both the old and young alike, where bargains can be had, and great memories made. Working in a department store has its own set of challenges, and those that choose this career path must practice lots of patience and active listening, and must be OK with working unusually long hours. That said, worker rights are protected by workers’ compensation laws that are in effect in all states, as well as safety regulations laid down by the government agency OSHA. If you get injured while working at Old Navy, it is important to understand that there may very well have been an element of negligence which led to your injuries, which means that you shouldn’t expect to get fairly compensated by the company until you engage attorneys for the same, and we’re here to help with that.

Are you looking for the best Old Navy workers’ compensation attorney? Please call us NOW at (773) 985-5159 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. the experienced workers’ compensation lawyers at McCready Law bring to the table over 90 YEARS of combined legal experience helping individuals just like you get compensated after suffering injuries that were brought on due to the negligent actions of other individuals or large corporations. What makes us different from other law firms is the fact that we have experience litigating claims and recovering large compensation amounts for our clients given the higher burden of proof typically attached to cases that make it to court. Most law firms tend to go the insurance company negotiations route, which usually settles for low amounts. In addition to having a bilingual staff, we take on all cases on contingency fee basis, which means that there are NO UPFRONT FEES whatsoever during any point in the processing of your claim. Regardless of where you are in the country at the moment, we can help you with your claim: call us NOW at (773) 985-5159 – the call is 100% FREE!

Here are some of the ways in which you may get injured as an employee at Old Navy

  1. You may trip and fall due to merchandize left on the floor in a haphazard manner by your fellow workers for an unreasonably long amount of time
  2. You may slip a disc in your back due to carrying unreasonably heavy boxes of merchandize
  3. You may get attacked by a shopper or transient due to negligent security

Old Navy Workers’ Compensation Attorneys – Call us NOW!

It is important to note that just because you got injured working for Old Navy doesn’t mean that you’ll be appropriately compensated. Immediately after your injury, ask to be taken to the ER so you can have a full body workup to ensure that you haven’t suffered any major internal injuries, and to have some form of medical evidence that will play a central role in the determination of your compensation. Injured at Old Navy as a worker? Call us NOW at (773) 985-5159. Thanks, and we look forward to helping you.