
Help I Was Injured by an Uber Eats Driver! Your Legal Options

Since 2014, Uber Eats has been connecting hungry folks to restaurants and making it easy for these individuals to order from their favorite restaurants without ever leaving their homes. Uber Eats has seen exponential growth, especially due to the massive affinity to technology that has happened in the last decade or so. Uber Eats drivers have therefore grown in the hundreds of thousands across the world, and these drivers are known as independent contractors, which basically means that Uber doesn’t hire these individuals outright but only uses them on an as-is basis. Due to the hectic schedules and the pressure to perform, these individuals are more likely to cause accidents on the road involving innocent pedestrians and drivers. If you’re one of these unfortunate victims, you must be wondering what to do with regard to seeking compensation and justice for your injuries, and this is where we come in.

Have you been injured by a careless or negligent Uber Eats driver? The experienced injury attorneys at McCready Law have helped thousands of people get the compensation they truly deserve, and we’d like to believe our combined 90+ years of experience speaks for itself. Before speaking to the insurance, or before signing anything, please give us a call NOW at (773) 823-0298 to learn more about the next steps to take after having been injured by an Uber Eats driver. We work on contingency fee basis, and what this simply means is that we don’t charge you A CENT from the get-go, and we only seek out payment for our legal services once we’ve recovered compensation for your injuries. For more information on lawsuits for Uber Eats driver injuries, please give us a call NOW at (773) 823-0298. Serving ALL victims and survivors of Uber Eats accidents and injuries.

Uber Eats expects all delivery persons working for them to be independent contractors. As a result, they are expected to have their own auto insurance. That said, vehicle insurance coverage is provided by the company.

The Uber Eats insurance coverage packages are as follows:

It is important to note here that drivers aren’t covered by the insurance coverage packages listed above when they aren’t actively attending to orders, which can be confirmed via app activity. Therefore, if an Uber Eats driver causes your accident while they are not actively delivering an order, their insurance policy will apply, and not that of Uber.

Injured By an Uber Eats Driver – Doing THIS Will Get You Compensated

As with all car accident cases, evidence is key. Make sure to take copious amounts of photos and video footage of the scene as well as jot down witness information so we, your best Uber Eats accident injury attorneys can build a strong case on your behalf. Next, and perhaps the most important thing, is to see a doctor so your injuries can be documented, as these will inform how much you will collect as money damages.

Best Uber Eats Injury Attorneys – Call Us Now!

There’s so much we haven’t discussed in this post, and it’s because of this that we’d like to invite you to give us a call NOW at (773) 823-0298 to learn more about your legal options for compensation. Thanks, and we look forward to helping you.